7 Common Mistakes We Make Before Bed That Increase Weight Gain Overnight

Jul 24, 2019

Everybody becomes frustrated after seeing a few extra pounds on the scale. Losing weight is one of the most common goals shared by people today. However, many people find it difficult to maintain their weight and get into shape. Many programs focus on habits that must be undertaken to lose weight instead of focusing on mistakes that people make.

In reality, there are several common mistakes that keep people from losing weight. In fact, many of these mistakes cause us to gain weight while we sleep. Here are seven bedtime mistakes that make us gain weight at night.

1. Late night snacks.


No matter how much food is eaten during the day, it always seems that the human body craves snacks at night. While it is satisfying to give into this craving, many studies have proven that snacking at night leads to weight gain. It is better to eat a large meal before 6 p.m. in order to curb those cravings at night.


2. Drinking coffee before bed.


Some people enjoy a coffee in the evening in order to finish some last-minute work or simply to have a warm drink. Unfortunately, that cup of joe might keep you up late and make you crave sugar - both of which are causes of weight gain in themselves. It helps to drink herbal tea, warm milk or even water at night instead.

3. Not getting enough sleep.


While diet and exercise are two of the most important components of weight management, there are many other influential factors that people tend to overlook. For example, getting enough sleep can help the body manage weight more efficiently, while a lack of sleep can have the opposite effect. Scientists recommend around 7 to 8 hours of sleep for adults.

4. A lack of exercise.


The body utilizes calories and fat reserves in order to create the energy needed for movement and other bodily functions. Without sufficient exercise, extra calories are stored as extra weight. Not getting enough exercise is another characteristic of individuals who struggle with weight management. Even just a few exercises before bed can help to burn some of that stubborn fat.

5. Using gadgets in the evening.


Studies have shown a correlation between the use of electronic devices in the evening and weight gain. More specifically, gadgets that emit blue light have been shown to cause sleep deprivation in some subjects. This light disrupts the body's natural production of melatonin, a hormone that helps with regulating sleep cycles. It is important to stay away from any computer, television or phone at least a few hours before bed.

6. Waking up too late.


Scientists have found that people exposed to sunlight earlier in the day have a lower body mass index. This means that sleeping in can actually increase your chances of being overweight. It is recommendable to wake up early and capture those first rays of the sun. Even 20 or 30 minutes of extra sunlight in the morning can make a difference.

7. Being around the wrong colors.


Colors have the peculiar ability to affect our moods and emotions. For example, orange and red tend to make us feel more energetic and hungry. Being surrounded by this color increases the chances of overeating or unhealthy snacking. On the other hand, the color blue is linked with a relaxing feeling and hunger suppression.

How many of these mistakes are you guilty of? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to show this article to a family member or your workout buddy to help them on their weight loss journey!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!