7 Benefits Of Having A Lemon On Your Nightstand

Sep 21, 2018

Lemons are used in a variety of classic scents. Air fresheners and cleaning supplies love that citrusy smell. However, there are also some hidden benefits that can help out a person's overall health. Alls it takes it having one somewhere close to you when it's time to go to bed.

A Breath Of Fresh Air


Lemons are a natural source for anti-oxidants. That's why having them around when your sick can feel like a breath of fresh air. They're known to help clear out and soothe a stuffy nose. Being sick can seriously hinder your ability to sleep, especially when you're congested. The anti-oxidants help defend your immune system and will often times allow you to get a well deserved night of stuffy-free sleep.


Less Stress


The way a lemon smells actually triggers specific responses in your brain. That's why lemons are used in so many cleaning supplies--it literally has a reaction in your brain that makes you think, "wow, things are really clean." The scent of a lemon on your nightstand, in turn, can actually have an effect on the stress levels you're experiencing. The scent will help with feelings of not being good enough, and will instead give you more confidence in life. Not only does it help clean your house, but it also cleans your mind.

A Boost In Energy


The scent of a lemon can also have an effect on chemicals in your brain responsible for feelings of happiness and motivation: serotonin. If waking up in the morning feels impossible, day after day after day, try using a lemon. The idea is that when you wake up, you'll have a fresh boost of serotonin to jump-start your day with, giving you more energy that you previously didn't have.

Your Blood Pressure Benefits


As mentioned above, lemons have a breath effect on your emotions. A lot of times, negative emotions can have a negative effect on blood pressure. You might feel anxious, angry, or fearful, and your body is pumping more blood throughout your body than necessary. Lemons can also act as an antidepressant. A mood swing might be all it takes to lower the blood pressure, allowing you to live a healthier lifestyle. Because lemons have such a positive effect on your heart, your risk for heart attacks and heart palpitations significantly decreases.

The Air Around You


Have you ever considered the quality of air as being detrimental to your quality of sleep? Well, it's true - a rank, smelly room can be troublesome if you want to make it through the night without waking up. Even if you take pride in the way your room or house smells, lemons can improve the air quality even more. Perhaps there's a smell in your house you simply can't get rid of; try using lemons! Lemons have such a strong scent that even paint fumes don't stand a chance. There's no smell too bad for a lemon to attack.

Mental Focus


Lots of people have so many wandering thoughts when they try to get to sleep. First they're thinking about that big meeting the next day, then they're thinking about how their friend in Asia's doing, then they're wondering what the weather will look like next week. And sometimes, these thoughts can grow and fester into negative ideas, making it impossible to fall asleep. Luckily, lemons can be used to help you concentrate. If you place a lemon on your nightstand and try ridding your brain of all harmful thoughts, you'll be surprised with how successful you are. Lemon scent lets you relax, and you'll have a stronger mental focus.

Deter Pesky Buggers


Nothing's worse than the "buzzing" of bugs in your room when you're trying to sleep. As a matter of fact, that sound is annoying at any point of the day. Lemons are great to get rid of bugs. Everything we find pleasant about the scent of lemons bugs despise. Having one on your nightstand, or on any other surface around your house, will ensure that bugs won't "bug" you when you're sleeping or trying to relax.

Let us know if you have tried this amazing trick and what the results were! Pass this amazing secret tip on to your friends and loved ones now!