6-Year-Old Boy Makes Clay Koalas In Effort To Help The Animals Affected By Australia Fires

Jan 17, 2020

Owen Colley was watching the news with his parents, Caitlin and Simon. The six-year-old seemed particularly interested in the Australian brushfires and wanted to help. Owen decided to make miniature koala bears from clay and offer them for a donation to Wildlife Rescue South Coast, an organization dedicated to helping animals affected by the fires.

According to CBS Boston, Owen, whose father was originally from Australia, was very sad about the destruction he saw. As he watched the fires rage, he was especially concerned about the animals. It was then that Owen knew he had to find a way to help the poor defenseless creatures who had lost their homes from the fires.


Owen would not stop thinking and talking about the animal victims of the Australian brushfires. After discussing the matter with his parents, Owen crafted an action plan. 

At first, Owen offered his meticulously crafted koalas to family members and friends. His relatives loved them and, as often happens, others soon learned about Owen’s mission. Soon, those outside of Owen’s inner circle were offering donations and asking Owen to make them more little clay koalas.

Since it was destined to not remain a secret for long, Owen’s Australian Creature Rescue soon became an online fundraising page. While Owen will send you a koala for a donation of $50 or more, he’ll accept donations of any amount. All that really matters to Owen is that his beloved creatures are helped.

After reading of such a thoughtful and enterprising grade-schooler, you’ll want to work to make the world a better place. Are there any causes near and dear to your heart? Tell us below. Pass this article on to your friends and family to see what they think.