6 Worrying Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts Every Woman Needs To Know

Apr 25, 2018

Women are a tough breed. If they experience any kind of stomach pain, they just assume it's related to their cycle and brush it off. Sometimes your symptoms can be much more than a period.

Here's what you need to know about ovarian cysts and when they're dangerous.

What Are Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts are sacs or pockets that develop inside or on the surface of a woman's ovary. These cysts are actually quite common and most women won't notice they have them since they aren't dangerous! However, sometimes ovarian cysts can be much more noticeable and dangerous.


Who Gets Them?

Ovarian cysts can happen to every woman, but you're most at risk when you're fertile. The hormones that give you periods can also work against you and trigger the growth of a cyst. 

Any woman who is using any form of hormone therapy, whether it's for birth control, fertility treatments, or hormone replacement, you're at more risk. Other events in your body like pregnancy, endometriosis, or pelvic infections can make the perfect environment for cysts to grow.

When Are Ovarian Cysts Harmful?

Most cysts are benign and go away on their own, but when they're bigger, some pretty scary things can happen in your body that you need to pay attention to.

Ovarian Cyst Rupture

To get technical, every time your ovary releases an egg, there is a rupture. However, this tear is so small and painless that you don't feel it. When a large cyst ruptures, it produces severe abdominal pain.

Ovarian Torsion

This technical term means that a cyst grows too large that the ovary can't support its weight. This is dangerous because the movements caused by the cyst could twist your fallopian tube and cut blood flow. Left untreated, this could leave you infertile.

Here are 6 symptoms of an ovarian cyst you need to know!

3 Common Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts

1. Pelvic Pain

If you're experiencing pain more on one side of your reproductive system, this is a common sign that one ovary has a bigger cyst.

2. Bloating

If your bloating isn't caused by your period or food, then you might have a cyst.

3. Abdominal Heaviness

If you feel full and the discomfort doesn't go away after going to the bathroom, this is another warning sign of cysts.

3 Less Common Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts

4. Pain Outside Abdominal Region

Sometimes cysts can be severe enough to be felt in other parts of the body such as breast tenderness and aching in your thighs and lower back.

5. Difficulty Urinating Or Passing Stool

If you feel the need to urinate more often or feel like you're not emptying out completely after you go to the bathroom, you could have a cyst.

6. Vaginal Conditions

If you have an extremely painful period, feel pain during sex, or have unusual spotting, these could be signs of a cyst.

When To Go To The Doctor

Any of these symptoms are worth discussing with your doctor during your next visit. However, if you experience any of the following emergency symptoms, get immediate medical care:

-Erratic breathing
-Weakness, dizziness, or faintness
-Sudden, intense abdominal pain
-Abdominal pain with fever and/or vomiting

Make sure all of the ladies in your life are educated and safe by spreading the news!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!