6 Workouts To Lift And Shape Your Butt

Jul 10, 2018

Summer has just begun, and are you in your beach body shape? Maybe, maybe not, we won't judge. Your butt is actually made up of multiple muscles the glutes, hamstrings and more and if you want that nice shape, you're gonna need to work on surrounding muscles too. While this may sound like a lot of work, don't fret, that's where you can really reap the benefits of compound movements.

Compound Movements are exercises or movements (duh!) that instead of focusing on one muscle group, work on a bunch at the same time ensuring you're getting the most out of your workout time and out of your body. Of course, if you want to balance it out or maybe add a bit of extra tone to just your glutes, these exercises are helpful for that too.

Here of 6 of the best exercises you can use to tone up that butt whether you're already in great shape or just want a bit of a boost to that backside.


A classic body weight exercise, the glute bridge involves you lying flat on you back with your knees bent and arms relaxed. Next you raise your hips off the ground and align your back into a straight line while contracting your buttocks. Repeat for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.



Another classic go-to is the donkey kick, which has you on all fours with a straight back. Next you raise your leg behind you to a 90 degree angle where your foot is flat and parallel to the ceiling. Alternate legs and repeat for 3 sets of 12 reps each side.


The sumo deadlift is a very compound exercise which practically works out your whole body with a heavy emphasis on your lower body. This exercise requires a form of weight be it a dumbbell set or barbell. Place your feet wide apart like a sumo wrestler, with toes pointed out, and your barbell over your feet. Bend your knees as you reach down for the barbell, always making sure you keep your back and chest straight. Press through your heels and bring the weight up near your hips. Most importantly, remember to thrust your hips forward and not only up, while squeezing those cheeks. If there's one exercise you want to take from all of these, it's the sumo deadlift.


This one requires a surface like a chair. What you're going to do is stand with your back to the seat, about lunge distance away, and raise one leg behind you like the donkey kick so you can place the top of your foot on the seat. Gain your balance first and then bend your front leg as your back leg's knee approaches the ground, at which point you press right back up on that front leg.


Much like the name suggests, you lie on your stomach with your arms past your head as if you're swimming. Raise your appendages off the ground before starting so you're in a tense position. Next, you raise your right arm and left leg a bit higher than previously mentioned and lower it, after which you alternate sides. This is best done as a timed set rather than for reps.


Everyone has seen a lunge before. From a standing position, you take a deep step forward, lowering your body as you maintain an upright position and bend your legs. Stand up towards the front leg and repeat with the other leg so you are progressing forward like you're walking. This can be done either weighted or unweighted.

Remember, it's never too late to get in shape. You're after progress here, not perfection. Be consistent, WORK HARD and of course don't go for that second slice of cake; you don't need it.

If you want to get a partner to do these workouts with, be sure to let your friend know!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!