6 Reasons Why Being A Strong Woman Can Be So Emotionally Exhausting

Dec 19, 2018

A strong woman makes all the work they do look easy. She can be caring and get a ton of work done at the same time. She makes a superb caregiver and remains amazingly responsible. But a strong woman also sometimes feels exhausted and stressed while trying to meet all of life’s expectations.


Emotional exhaustion can cause problems at work and hamper time with your family and friends. If you can’t take care of others, you feel like a failure, too.

Here are six reasons that women who are strong are also emotionally exhausted.


1. You give and give, but don’t ask for anything.


Because you are the strong one, you are also very resourceful in many areas, primarily as a caregiver. You concentrate on taking care of your relatives and friends and forget to take care of yourself. But to keep from being exhausted emotionally and physically, you have to take care of yourself, too.

2. Nobody gives you care, even when you most need it.


You work hectically to deal with all your responsibilities and care for those around you. You are the steady, reliable person that everyone turns to in their time of need. But to whom do you turn when you’re sick or exhausted? Who lightens your load?

Unfortunately, because the people around you depend on you all the time, you don’t have practice asking for help when you need it. Everyone needs someone to care for them occasionally. If you don’t have someone to share the load or care for you in your time of need, you’ll get exhausted and feel burnt out, too.

You love helping people. But you can’t help them if you need help yourself.

3. You want emotional security, but don’t look for it in others.


It doesn't matter how many times you’ve been let down or betrayed, you keep on going. But in the process, you’ve learned not to depend on others for your emotional security. You don’t depend on others because you don’t want to be hurt or disappointed again.

4. You feel uncomfortable sharing your shortcomings or issues with others.


Your outer persona is one of extreme caring, efficiency and selfless service to others. If you continue to care for others without caring for yourself, you experience more stress than a body and mind needs to handle. Eventually, something, either physical or mental, is bound to break or rebel.

Sharing your frustrations, shortcomings or physical problems with others can go a long way to keep you feeling both mentally and physically well. And you'll be able to continue to be of service to others as well as yourself.

5. You don’t show you’re hurt, but you keep emotional pain locked inside.


You may have become an expert at not letting people hurt you. But, even though they don’t mean to, people still do actions that can hurt you both on purpose and by accident. Just because you don’t show your emotional reaction to these hurts doesn’t mean that you don’t feel the hurts, however.

Dealing with the pain of these adverse actions can use a great deal of energy and leave you fatigued emotionally. Sharing the pain and dealing with the situation can save you a lot of emotional distress and exhaustion in the long run, and provide you with the strength you need to be useful to others and yourself, too.

6. You can’t ask for other people’s love.


The sad thing about a caregiver is that they don’t ask for love. Your drive and desire for efficiency don’t allow you to take time to ask for respect and caring. You can find time to fight for the rights of others and make sure that they are loved and cared for, but you can’t seem to take the time to find affection and appreciation for yourself.

You feel taken for granted, mostly because you are taken for granted. People don’t always take advantage of you on purpose. But you seem to still be there for them when they need you. The selfish people in your life don’t show any appreciation when you help them.

Receiving a thank you can go a long way to keep you going. Not being shown love and gratitude can lead to a buildup of anger and emotional exhaustion. Eventually, if you don’t look for someone to reciprocate your love and respect, you may fall apart.

Take a moment for yourself and reach out to us about ideas on how to nurture yourself. Then take time to let us know your favorite way to relax and pass on the tips to others.