$500K From Catholic School Goes Missing As Two Nuns Steal The Money To Go On A Gambling Trip In Vegas

Dec 17, 2018

When someone mentions nuns, we usually picture devote little ladies who love to give hugs but stick firmly to the rules.

However, our perfect image of nuns is a little distorted this week after two nuns from the St. James Catholic School in Torrance, California have gotten themselves in some serious trouble after a wild run of school embezzlement.

Why did the sisters need the money? They wanted to go on road trips and spend money gambling at casinos!

Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper and Sister Lana Chang led parents of school students to believe that the organization was operating on a tight budget, while the two women were actually stealing from the funds and using it for their own gain.

The nuns’ embezzlement ploy started to unravel six months ago when the church’s monsignor, Michael Meyers, says that there was a change in leadership that led to a standard audit of procedures.

During this point, a student’s family requested a copy of a check that they had sent in – this led to the discovery that, rather than being deposited in the school’s account, the check had been sent somewhere else.


As the investigation got heated and the financial review began, Meyers explains that Kreuper became visibly upset. Her anxiety over the situation made leaders suspicious and ended in them calling a forensic auditor to investigate the situation.

During the investigation, it became apparent that the two nuns had been embezzling much-needed funds from the school for at least the last ten years. While the exact amount of embezzled money is unknown, it is suspected that the women took approximately $500,000 from the Catholic school.

While the story of two nuns stealing to go hit the casinos has sparked a lot of humor and witty Twitter posts, their crimes are actually quite serious. Since the women show remorse, the church has decided not to press charges; instead, the two women have been separated and sent to different convents.

They will no longer have a role with the school or the opportunity to steal funds.

What do you think of the incident? Let us know your thoughts and invite your friends to the discussion in the comment section below!