5-Year-Old Girl Performs Spunky Dance Moves To “Maniac” As Crowd Cheers

Aug 20, 2019

Most people enjoy when children put their entire heart into a performance, no matter if it's singing, dancing, or some other form of artistic expression. It is such a powerful reminder that we should always be enjoying ourselves while doing something we love.

Roxy Brennan is a five-year-old who really brought this joy and passion to light while performing at the 2019 Baltimore Kids Artistic Revue Dance Competition recently.

The dancing ability of this little girl is advanced way beyond her years and she electrified the crowd with a performance of 'Maniac', a timeless hit from the soundtrack of the movie 'Flashdance.'

The film is a classic and many movie fans recall Jennifer Beals' performance fondly. In the movie, Beals is a nightclub dancer whose dream is to be a ballerina. The movie came out in 1983 and it was the third highest grossing movie of the year.


The song 'Maniac' became one of the iconic hits from the movie's soundtrack, particularly loved for the fierce message it delivered about the power and strength of women.

Many people in the audience would not have thought a five-year-old could do justice to such a powerful song. But that was before they knew Roxy.

Roxy delivered a powerful performance that was filled with beauty and grace. The routine featured splits and spins that wowed the crowd while giving more than a subtle hint of the fabulous dance career she has ahead of her. And when all was said and done, her final pose perfectly capped the performance.

Roxy was declared the winner of the competition. This was something that did not surprise anyone who was in attendance.

It's no surprise that a child with the confidence and talent of Roxy has a set of supportive parents. This should encourage other parents to help their children develop their gifts to their fullest potential. 

Did you enjoy the amazing performance by little Roxy? Send the article and video of her performance to everyone you know. They will thank you for the treat.