5 Ways You Can Tell Your Partner Isn’t Right For You

Mar 26, 2018

Most of us go through a lot of difficulty in finding love. Most people have to try again and again to “click” with a special someone. You may be envious of couples who got together while they were still in high school or in college, thinking that they have it all when it comes to happiness and stability. Even these fairy tale relationships can have their own problems as the years go by.

Every relationship is happy at the very beginning. Couples are affectionate, loving, and willing to communicate with their significant others. As time goes by, you may find that things change. You may find that your partner isn’t as attentive to your needs as he or she used to be. When you’re thinking about whether it’s time to leave your relationship, think about these five signs that it may be stagnating.

1. You Keep Getting Taken For Granted

Your partner doesn’t acknowledge when you do things for them. You start to feel more like their parent than their life partner, giving and giving while receiving nothing back. This can’t go on for very long – your resentment will build up and you’ll be left with a bad taste in your mouth.


2. There’s A Lack Of Respect

Your partner might lose respect for you over time. This is worrying because everyone needs to be treated like a human being who is worthy of basic consideration. When your partner stops showing you respect, it might be time to pull back from the relationship.

3. You Feel Like You’re Giving Too Much

Does your partner sit back and let you do all the work? Whether it’s daily chores or the work of keeping a relationship going, one partner can’t be left to do it all. This is unfair and enables your partner to take advantage of you. When you feel like your relationship is one-sided, it might be time to call it quits.

4. Your Needs Are Overlooked

When your relationship was new, your partner may have been great about responding to your needs. Over time, he or she might ignore your needs in favor of their own. This shows a deep selfishness and an unwillingness to make sacrifices in a relationship. When you realize that your needs are no longer being met, it’s time for a heart to heart, and maybe time to show your partner the door.

5. You Have Different Values 

You might find that you have grown apart over time. You might have vastly different expectations of what your life should be like. Maybe one of you wants children while the other wants to stay free and independent.

This isn’t a definitive list of reasons why you should leave your relationship, but it gives you some things to consider. If you are unhappy, think about these points and see whether you might be happier alone or pass this on to someone who maybe needs a nudge in the right direction!