5 Ways You Can Make Your Hands Look 10 Years Younger

Oct 23, 2018

You've got a virtual fountain of youth. It's a well-kept secret, but nonetheless, verifiable. There are at least five different ways to have more beautiful and age-concealing hands.

Looking in the mirror, you might suspect that your age will first show via your eyes, on your brow, or perhaps, your laugh lines, but not so. Your hands will tell the story long before age gets to your face.

The trick is to take care of your hands, and if it is a secret, they may help to conceal your undisclosed number of years.


1. Wash your hands - the right way


Why not start with the first secret of hand care that you probably learned: wash your hands really good. Wash them in warm water as opposed to hot. Don't play too long with soap in water. Too much soap can cause dryness and flakiness.

Rather than antibacterial and perfumed soaps, choose from among the ones that moisturize.

Good choices include soaps with jojoba, aloe vera, or olive oils. When drying your hands, use paper towels instead of electric dryers.

2. Exfoliate


After washing them, it's a good idea to exfoliate. Using a face mask or body scrub, you can scrub your hands at least once a week. Products stored in your refrigerator can be used for this purpose also. Avocado, lemon juice, and egg yolk are three ingredients in just one of your options for a homemade hand mask.

A mixture of sugar and olive oil works well too. There are other options, but I leave it to your research to determine your best choice.

For best results, apply your mask for no less than 20 minutes per scrubbing.

3. Moisturize 


Another secret for accomplishing a desired anti-aging effect is to practice moisturizing, moisturizing, moisturizing! Not less than twice daily, you should apply a moisturizing cream whenever you are aware of the need. Don't forget your fingernails! Vitamin E cream is great for the cuticles.

You should moisturize not only externally with a good cream, but internally with plenty of water. Water is a primary essential for caring - from the inside out.

2. Keep Warm


Because your hands are constantly exposed to cold, dry air, and chemicals, why not use gloves to protect them? As there are a multiplicity of daily activities, there are different types of gloves to protect against possible injury.

Equip yourself with leather or fur gloves for inclement weather; latex or rubber gloves for everyday household tasks; and cloth gloves for tending your garden.

5. Don't forget that SPF


One tell-tale sign of age is known as hyperpigmentation. This is the effect of the sun. Contrary to a common belief that age is the cause, age is just a factor that sparks it. What can you use to help with this? Apply sunscreen.

Keeping a tube of SPF cream near the sink so that you can lotion up frequently, wearing gloves to bed, using a humidifier to replenish moisture in the air, are secrets that will yield fantastic results.

There you have it - at least five different ways to fight the appearance of aging. It's a virtual fountain of youth. The secrets are simple, the cost reasonable, and the actions to be taken are very doable. If you are ready to dip into this fountain, just raise your hands and get started! Drop a comment to let us know how these tips worked for you, and make sure to share this with your friends too.