5 Veterans Continue To Dedicate Their Lives To Helping Others After Coming Back Home

Nov 14, 2019

Five veterans from different walks of life are all continuing to make a difference even after their served time for their country. 

Veteran Taylor Winston, who found himself thrust in the middle of the 2017 Las Vegas music festival massacre. While others were fleeing out of desperation, it was Winston who sprung into action according to Inside Edition. All he did was put himself at great risk as he gathered injured concert-goers in a truck and got them to a nearby hospital. His actions likely saved two dozen lives.


Sometimes, it's the little things that make a huge difference as was the case with combat veteran Kim Ringeison. He and his wife had made the decision to move to North Carolina from their home in California. While most people would have made the decision to load up a moving van and make the trek cross country, Ringeison had a better idea.

He and his wife decided to travel light and leave all their stuff behind. Actually, they took it one step further. The Ringeisons decided to donate most of their belongings to brave firefighters who had recently lost their homes in the Paradise, California, wildfires according to Inside Edition.

For Keith Davison, a World War 2 veteran, there was an opportunity to put a smile on the faces of the kids in his neighborhood while paying homage to his loving deceased wife. He took that opportunity and built a swimming pool in his backyard, giving the neighborhood kids full access according to Inside Edition.

Wally Richardson, a longtime war veteran, became known as Mr. Knuckles. He earned that nick-name by how he greeted middle-school kids for the last 10 years as they entered the school grounds. It started with fist bumps to say hello and included offering his many years of wisdom to anyone who will listen.

Finally, there's the story of Jim Bradford, a former British Navy veteran who used his talent to pay tribute to his fallen brethren. He paid tribute by writing and performing the song "Shores of Normandy", which actually made the record charts ahead of veteran musicians.

We hope you were able to use this Veterans Day as an opportunity reflect on the actions of the veterans in your life. If you have similar stories, we would love to hear them. If not, make sure you pass this information along to others in hopes the giving becomes contagious.