5 Types Of Toxic People To Cut Out Of Your Life

Sep 28, 2018

We're so good at taking care of our bodies. We eat healthily and try to cut back on bad habits. We're also good at taking care of our emotions. Mindfulness is on the rise; so too is a commitment to greater honesty with ourselves and others.

But how good are we when it comes to taking care of our relationships?

Just like toxins can affect your body, toxic relationships can affect your soul. They have a direct impact on your mental health and self-confidence.

Fortunately, weeding out negative people is easier than it may seem. You just have to learn to identify them. It takes practice, but this habit is more than worth it. You deserve to know only people who will support you.

There are 5 types of toxic people in the world. Learn to keep your distance from them!


1. People Who Blame Others


We all must take responsibility for our own actions. This is the only way we can grow and improve as human beings. However, this type of person has never learned to do so. They refuse to acknowledge their mistakes. They constantly play the "victim" card and believe the world is out to get them. Because of this, they'll try to blame someone else for their own mistakes. They do this to preserve their own reputation, even if it comes at another's expense.

Whenever you meet a person like this, don't give in. Stand firm and refuse to be a victim. Know that you're not the one at fault.

2. People Who Constantly Complain


This type of person leaves no stone unturned when it comes to life's problems. They believe that anything can be made into an issue. They can often blow things out of proportion. Often they do this just for attention. Complainers just want an audience.

Dealing with a complainer can be difficult. It's easy to get sucked into their negativity. However, there's a simple way to neutralize them. First, when they start complaining, ask for more information. Is the problem really a problem? If not, just don't engage. Your sanity is much more important.

3. People Who Gossip


Sadly, gossipers are everywhere. They just love a good story, even (or maybe especially) if the story is untrue. Gossip comes from a place of insecurity. When this type of person is sharing something they overheard, they do this to make themselves feel important and "in the know."

People who gossip don't necessarily care about those who they're telling stories about. It's tempting to join a good "dish" session: "Did you hear...?" This is a really bad habit, though. You're dealing in lies and half-truths. It's negative for everyone involved! Stop a story in its tracks and change the conversation.

4. People Who Are Only In It For Themselves


This type of person is ambitious to a fault. They'll tear anyone down if it means getting ahead. Cutthroat and calculating, every conversation with these people is just an angle to figure out how you can benefit them. (Funny how it's never the other way around...) Relationships with a determined person like this will always come at a cost. You won't be able to figure out how solid the relationship really is. After all, they're always taking, but never seem to give back.

Take a minute to ask yourself: how are they helping me? Am I always doing them favors without the ability to ask them favors for once? Don't let a self-gainer walk all over you. It's way too draining. So just don't give. Stand up for yourself and let them figure out the rest. They might be surprised at first, especially since they're always used to getting their own way. That's a reaction sweeter than anything you've ever given them.

5. People Who Only Want Attention


These people are referred to by a simple acronym: the COA (Center Of Attention).

Attention-seekers are incredibly desperate. They'll do anything (and we mean anything) to make sure that everyone's eyes are on them at all times. This type of person is noisy because they just want to take up space. It's extremely childish behavior. After all, children aren't mature enough to understand that the world doesn't revolve around them. But when adults behave this way, it's weird and makes everyone uncomfortable.

Don't stoop to this level and don't react. We wouldn't want to indulge a child's every whim. Otherwise, they'll just take it for granted they'll always be the COA. That rule goes double for an adult who wants to be the COA. Just ignore them. They'll quiet down eventually.

Do any of these 5 types seem familiar? Hopefully, we've now equipped you with the skills to deal with them! Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and show this article to your family and friends to encourage them to keep toxic people at a distance.