5 Superpowers That People With Anxiety Disorders Are Hiding

Jan 25, 2018

Anxiety disorders can be crippling to those who suffer them. Millions of people struggle to manage their daily lives in the face of overwhelming anxiety and debilitating panic attacks. The positive side of anxiety disorders can be the presence of "superpowers" that relate to an acute sense of perception.

If you suffer from anxiety, there is professional help available. You can also focus on the positive aspects and benefits of these superpowers. Have you noticed the presence of these sensations in your own life?

1. A Greater Sense of Empathy

Those who suffer from anxiety tend to be more empathetic to others. They are able to tune into another's feelings and often provide support. This can perhaps be attributed to an ability to detect emotions. Those with anxiety disorders have learned to associate emotions and feelings with specific events, and they can often show sincere concern for others who might be dealing with similar issues. 


2. Truth Detection

It is hard to fool someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder. Their entire lives are spent sizing up people and situations in order to recognize what may become a threat. The person with an anxiety disorder can often see through a lie because they are naturally skeptical. This gives them an ability to consider things from an alternate perspective and put aside the rose-colored glasses many people use to view the world.

3. More Intelligence

There is some research to support the idea that people with anxiety disorders have a higher IQ than those without such an ailment. The SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York conducted research which indicates that people with anxiety disorders have a high IQ. Some believe this is due to the time these individuals spend analyzing every situation. Anxiety sufferers also seem to have an enhanced problem-solving ability.

4. Enhanced Survival Instincts

Some data supports the presence of a life-saving instinct in those who have anxiety. These individuals have a heightened survival instinct that can alert them to the possibility of danger. The European Journal of Psychology published a study which claims that individuals who have an anxiety disorder can identify dangerous situations and respond to them quickly.

5. Sensing Energy in Others

The person with an anxiety disorder might be able to sense positive or negative vibes which emanate from other people. All people radiate some type of energy, and the anxiety sufferer is very adept at sensing this field. This can make someone with anxiety issues a fantastic judge of character. The first impressions of those with anxiety should be given a certain amount of credibility. 

There is a positive side if you suffer from an anxiety disorder. These superpowers reflect how special you are. They also reveal that you have much to contribute to the world despite your problems. An anxiety disorder can reveal that you are much stronger than you believe yourself to be.


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