5 Foods That Help Reduce Arthritis Pain Naturally

Aug 11, 2018

Arthritis is a common and painful condition that many people suffer from. It affects over 55 million people, especially as they get older. Managing the pain and disfigurement associated with this disease can be especially challenging. There are actually natural ways to address these concerns. Foods can actually be used to address this problem. Try increasing the amount of these five common foods that you eat each day; you may be surprised at just how good you start to feel. By eating the right combination of protein, fruits, and vegetables you can start fighting back against arthritis the natural way.



Lamb is a meat enjoyed by many people during the holiday season, but don’t feel limited by this. You can treat yourself any time thanks to this meat’s rich abundance of zinc, a mineral that helps promote healthy body function. Research has shown that people with rheumatoid arthritis in particular tend to have low levels of zinc; eating lamb and other foods rich in zinc (such as nuts and beans) can help correct this imbalance.




Eggs make a great, heathy breakfast choice and are a common ingredient in baked goods, too. They are also rich in the nutrient tryptophan. This substance is used in the production of a hormone called serotonin, which is known to boost your mood and plays a role in the management of your pain threshold. You may be better able to manage pain with help of the tryptophan contained in the eggs you eat every day. You can find tryptophan in lots of places aside from eggs. Get your daily dose from pineapples, tofu, seeds, and nuts.



An apple a day keeps the doctor away – or so goes the old adage. These healthy snacks are also loaded with histamine-busting nutrients such as rutin and quercetin. These substances are called bioflavonoids and they work to control the release of histamine into your body. Histamine is responsible for causing inflammation, which is a problem for people with arthritic conditions. Bioflavonoids also help improve blood circulation and boost a person’s overall cellular health. You can find bioflavonoids in lots of other fruits and vegetables. Reach for onions, green peppers, celery, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, limes, and chamomile tea.


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Cold-water fish in particular tends to be high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These substances are known to be anti-inflammatory, which help relieve the pain and swelling associated with arthritis. Specifically, they fight against the enzymes and immune cells that overreact and attack healthy tissue. Omega-3 fatty acids are known as good fats; they also help promote joint health.



This delicious source of vitamins and minerals packs a nutritional punch that you don’t want to miss. Almonds are a rich source of zinc as well as vitamin E. Vitamin E works to stabilize and strengthen the membranes of your cells; combined with the zine, it stimulates the growth of healthy new cartilage, too. You can find vitamin E in many different common foods. Get your fix from avocado, spinach, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, butternut squash, palm oil, and sweet potatoes.


A surprising variety of food provides us with a rich assortment of nutrients that work hard to combat the damage done by arthritis.

You can start fighting back against the pain and discomfort of this condition today with the help of these common foods. Try some today and discover how good it feels to eat your way to health. Do you know of other natural remedies? Let us know in the comments! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!