5 Disgusting Things That Happen When You Don’t Change Your Underwear At Least Once A Day

May 30, 2018

Okay, let's face it: if you're the type of woman who wears a different pair of underwear every single day of the year, you may be a perfect outlier. This isn't just due to laziness, though—most women only own 34 pairs of underwear, so it can become difficult to keep track and wear different undies every day.

However, what if I were to tell you that there are actually some negative side effects of not changing your underwear frequently enough? Yup, you heard that right—there are actually 5 things that might happen to you if you don't change your underwear often enough.

1. You Can Develop Itchy Skin

If you don't wash your underwear and repeatedly wear them, it can sometimes lead to irritated skin that can become itchy. This is due to the bacterial buildup that appears in your underwear every day that continues to grow until it becomes an actual problem.



2. Sores And Rashes May Happen

Not only a result of bacteria, but also the material of the underpants being not fresh and dry can potentially chafe your skin and lead to various sores and rashes building up. The most common rash you may see as a result of underwear being worn too frequently is a heat rash. At its most tame it can be very uncomfortable, but if it gets any worse than that you should see a doctor immediately to get proper treatment and make sure it's safe.


3. Your Vagina Will Smell Different

Like we've mentioned, bacteria coming from your underwear is most certainly not a good thing, especially because they surround one of your most sensitive body parts: your vagina.

Yup, you heard that right. The more you continue wearing the same underwear, the less oxygen your vagina gets, which can lead to it smelling bad and becoming severely unhygienic.


4. There Is A Chance of Getting a Yeast Infection

This is possible regardless of what bacteria you have in your underwear, but if you tend to sweat down under, you can definitely be at risk of getting a yeast infection. This is because that certain types of non-cotton underwear can trap heat, which becomes a breeding ground for yeast to begin infecting areas.


5. You Can Get a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

As if there weren't already enough reasons to begin changing your underwear more frequently, you can also get a UTI if you're not careful! Gross.

Did you know all of these things could happen if you don't change your underwear frequently enough? Show this to the lazy girls you know to warn them of the consequences!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!