5 Common Traits Of Bitter People (And How To Obviate Becoming One)

Aug 14, 2018

Find out the 5 most common habits of people with bitter personalities and what you can do to avoid these character flaws in your daily life.

What Makes People Bitter?


Things can get rough in our daily routines and it's no surprise how easily you can pick up the wrong habits. It doesn't take long to find yourself suffering from major character flaws that can detract from your relationships with friends and family. When you give place to negative thinking and a bitter attitude you'll see devastating effects on your reputation, a diminishing social life, and maybe even poor health in the long-term. Our personality and how we feel are the results of confidence-building and anxiety-inducing habits. Don't allow repetitive pessimism steal your joy. You can learn how to avoid losing friends and being antisocial by dodging these five common traits of bitter people.


1. Being Unforgiving


Bitter people seem to love holding grudges forever. This is one of the main warning signs you might be headed towards a toxic attitude. You might not always be able to reconcile or fix what someone else has done to you, but don't forget that you are in control of what you focus on. A bitter person is constantly reflecting on the past how they've been wronged. In the meantime, the person they are frustrated by is probably going about their day without even thinking about them. Don't fall into a cycle of living in the past. Being able to look forward to better days and having a little forgiveness will go a long way.

2. Attention Seeking


Bitterness can make a person feel misunderstood and victimized which usually makes someone seek alternative ways of fulfillment. Miserable people don't want to sacrifice their sense of self-worth, even if it comes at the expense of others. Avoid trying to be the center of attention when things aren't going your way. You can find a healthier outlet through hobbies and social events.

3. Jealousy


More often than not, the rejection that comes with bitterness can leave a person clinging to the small friend groups they manage to keep around. This leads to extreme jealousy and envy when those friends give their attention to others. It's not easy dealing with the pain of a self-destructive attitude, but that doesn't justify taking everyone's mood down with you. Diversify your click so you don't find yourself relying on a few friends to keep you engaged.

4. Feeling Like A Victim


Sometimes in life, we do get the short end of the stick, but you can't let that define who you are as a person. Bitterness can spring from how you view yourself. If you believe that the whole world is against you and nothing ever goes your way, then you're going to have a tough time getting through the really hard days. The best course of action to see things how they really are and not worse than they are. Facing the harshness of reality is healthy, but living in a fantasy world of a victim can fundamentally change who you are. Take caution to walk that fine line with reason and thoughtfulness in the driver seat.

5. Pessimism


Bitter people direct their attention to negativity with expertise. Playing out the same scenarios in your head over and over again is a sure-way to alienating positive characteristics. Take a step back and relax. You've got to make a conscious effort to keep your mind on the right track. There's nothing wrong with letting go and taking a break to put a smile on your face.

Think about what you can do to reinforce the great qualities that make you unique. If any of your friends and family need help overcoming these character flaws, teach them how to beat their bitterness by showing them this article!