49-Year-Old Father And His 23-Year-Old Son Graduate From South Carolina State University Together

May 23, 2019

A son and his father recently received degrees from South Carolina State University at the same time. The story behind the accomplishment is one of the most inspiring ever told, reports WIFR.

Antonio Gathers never pictured a day when he and his son would share a graduation day. But at the South Carolina State University 2019 graduation ceremony on May 10th, that very day happened.

Brandon, the younger Gathers (23), was studying music theory at another university before transferring to SCSU. He changed his major to business management, a move that put him on the same graduation timeline as his father.


Antonio was shopping for groceries one day when he learned about a Masters program at the university. He decided to return to school to earn a postgraduate degree in Counseling and Rehabilitation. The busy dad is a pastor, the father of three children, and had received his Bachelor's degree in criminal justice in 2010.

Brandon gushed about his dad to WLTX and said, "He basically inspires me to be the best young man that I can be. He is the best male father figure for a black man." His dad Antonio was equally proud and said, "What inspires me about Brandon is his tenacity, his perseverance, he does not let obstacles stop him."

A week earlier, in Michigan, a similar scene unfolded. CNN reports that Sharhonda Wilson chose to attend her son's college graduation at Central Michigan University instead of being present for her own ceremony at Ferris University.

To her surprise, Ferris University sent her degree over to CMU and she was awarded her degree just moments after her son.

Watch Sharhonda and her son graduate, and the father/son duo graduate in the videos below.

Did you enjoy Antonio and Brandon's story? Did the video of the mother and son in Michigan cause you to smile? Send this article and both videos to your friends. A double dose of feel-good is always welcomed.