4-Year-Old Boy Calls 911 After Being Left Behind In Hot Car, Saves His Life And Lives Of 6 Other Kids

May 17, 2019

While most people get ready for their summer vacation by heading to the beach, applying sunscreen or getting ready for bathing suit season, there are far more important precautions to take when dealing with the summer heat. As the warmer seasons approach, it’s important to remember the danger that the summer sun can bring. 

We’ve all heard the importance of not leaving children or animals in a car unattended due to the hot temperatures that can arise from being in these conditions, but unfortunately not everyone follows the rules and guidelines set in place.

On the Friday afternoon of May 10th, Maryland police officers responded to an alert that would have most parents beyond worried.


Although just one child made the 911 call that saved their lives, seven young children between the ages of 2 and 4 were left inside of a car unattended with the windows shut and no air conditioning in the turned-off vehicle.

It was a warm 80-degree day, so the temperature inside of the car reached unsafe conditions pretty quickly. When the child reached 911, he told the responders that the kids were hot and unsure of their location.

But the children had actually been left at a mall near their homes at the St. Charles Towne Center. The mother of two of the children, a 37-year-old woman, had headed inside the mall to do some shopping while telling the children to stay in the car.

Thankfully, the children were found using the GPS located inside the cell phone used to call 911. Once the deputies approached the 2-door Monte Carlo, they also noticed something else that was unsafe about the situation.

Only one of the children were in a car seat, even though it is a state law that all children under the age of 8 must use one.

The kids were terrified and sweaty upon rescue, but generally healthy and did not need to be hospitalized. Once the mother returned to the car about ten minutes after authorities came on the scene, it was decided that she would be charged with the confinement of the kids inside of the car and perhaps some additional charges.

What do you think about the mother’s actions? We are very happy the little boy knew how to use the phone! Tell us your thoughts in the comments and pass this story to your friends and family to remind them to be careful.