4 Ways To Trick Your Hormones Into Weight Loss Mode

Sep 02, 2018

If you've ever wished you could trick your body into weight loss, here's some good news: YOU CAN.

Long-term weight loss is one of the hardest things for a person to manage. First, you have to lose the weight. Then, you have to make the right decisions to keep it off. There's an immense deal of misinformation circulating about the subject of weight loss. Health gurus who promise that they've found "weight loss secrets" are usually just promoting their product. They're taking advantage of people's desperation to lose weight. It's all about the profit and not about the health.



Weight loss and weight gain are defined by far more than just simple reminders to "eat right and exercise." This should be common knowledge, but most people aren't aware of it.

There are numerous factors that affect a person's weight beyond diet and exercise. These might include:

the list goes on and on. That's not to mention the hormones you need to balance.

Every one of these extraneous factors is interconnected.

When you rebalance your hormones, you'll also take away advice that can help with all factors associated with weight loss.

This includes diet and exercise, but it isn't limited only to those factors.

Oftentimes, hormonal imbalances will be overlooked by everyone from the person themselves to their family and friends and even doctors. But these are a critical part of weight loss.

The main hormones involved are:

There are four main ways to wrestle these hormones into weight loss mode instead of weight gain mode:

1. Get the right nutrient amount.


Most health professionals and some of the average laymen know that your thyroid gland is an essential part of weight loss. Thyroid health must be maintained. One big aspect of thyroid health maintenance is making sure you get the right amounts of different nutrition.

Hypothyroidism is a disorder that causes thyroid hormones to cease being produced the way they should be. About 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men are affected, but the condition can often go undiagnosed for years.

A leading cause of hypothyroidism is an iodine deficiency. According to the World Health Organization, more than 30% of the population worldwide has an iodine deficiency. It's also important to get the right amounts of iron, zinc, and selenium.

2. Limit your stressors where you can.


Certain stress levels are to be expected from your day-to-day life. In small amounts, stress can even be a healthy and motivating factor in our lives. But today's society exposes us to far more stress than the human body is meant to tolerate. Excess stress is not meant to be a constant and normal part of life.

Excessive stress doesn't just make you feel bad mentally. It also leads to physical health issues. Metabolic resistance pathways will activate, which causes you to have resistance to insulin and gain weight. The main hormonal culprit here is cortisol. Cortisol is a critical hormone for survival and awareness, but too-high levels disrupt your metabolic system from functioning and slow your digestion.

The best solution is to avoid unnecessary sources of stress. Common stressors are financial distress, past regrets, inability to let go of old hurts, unfulfilling work, and toxic people. If you can eliminate or at least cut down on any of these things, you should.

3. Engage in daily "active relaxation."


You are the only person with control over your mind. It might not seem that way sometimes because our minds love to jump from thought to thought without any care for whether we catch up. You should also understand the way that your body and mind are connected. Stiff posture, shallow breathing, and physical tension all affect the brain.

In the same vein, relaxation affects the brain too. You should practice standing and sit in a relaxed and upright posture. Ease your shoulder and muscle tension. Repeat this process, staying focused on your body.

Enjoy a lifestyle with balanced diet and exercise.

Diet and exercise are supposed to make you feel good, not be a punishment. Do what makes you feel good, and the rest will follow.

Do you think your hormones and stress levels may be affecting your physical health? Pass this important information on and educate your friends and loved ones on hormonal weight gain and how to fix it.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!