4 Types Of Cheating In A Relationship Without Actual Physical Intimacy

Nov 27, 2018

The most common image in the mind when someone speaks of cheating is engaging in physical intimacy with someone other than your mate. However, cheating occurs in a variety of forms. An act that may seem harmful or innocent to one person may cause emotional devastation to their partner. Furthermore, a relationship you might think is solid may have already endured irreversible damage due to actions you feel are no big deal.


Technological advancements in recent years have greatly increased the complexity of cheating. The complex nature of cheating is not a reason to believe you should remain ignorant. Instead, it is your duty to educate yourself regarding these matters. You may find that it is you that has been unfaithful to your partner.


Cheating is a terrible act. You hurt the feelings of others you commit to when you have an improper relationship with a third party. It is an act of selfishness to engage in physical activity behind the back of a person to whom you promised faith and loyalty. But physical intimacy is not the only form of cheating on a partner. We listed four ways you can cheat on your partner without touching another person.

Cheating Online


Social media and online communications have caused drastic changes in the world. A great deal of our lives now takes place online. For this reason, it can be easy to have an online affair when thinking it is only casual fun. It is important to note that flirting online is no different than flirting in person. The cheating has only moved to a new platform.

Object Cheating


Object cheating is different in that no other person is involved. This type of cheating involves connections with things like a job, hobby, or other passion. The problem begins when one of these interests begins to affect the time and effort given to the relationship. You should, of course, have interests outside of your relationship. However, your partner should always feel that you make time for them and place a priority on the relationship.

Emotional Affaire


Emotional affairs are not always simple to detect. This fact makes emotional affairs extremely dangerous. It is not difficult to form an emotional connection with someone without realizing it. You engage in emotional cheating when you begin to express emotions and feelings to a third party that you do not express to your partner. Your partner should always be the person to whom you express intimate thoughts and feelings.

Romantic Cheating


Romantic cheating might be the worst form of dishonesty to your partner. When physical cheating occurs, it can sometimes be easier to recover knowing that no feelings were involved. However, when your partner is romantic towards another person you know that their feelings are involved. This fact makes it much more difficult to salvage the relationship.

Have you unwittingly violated your partner in a way mentioned in this article? Or maybe you've had a partner who cheated in this manner? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article on - increased awareness regarding these forms of cheating will benefit us all.