4 Steps You Have To Follow If You Want To Lose Your Beer Belly

Jul 24, 2018

Do we really want to spend another summer sitting on the beach, wishing we could strut our stuff? That fantasy dwindles into a pipe dream when we look down to see our beer belly. Although our partners may love us for who we are, you know they'd love it if we got ourselves back into the gym and burned off those love handles.

Although this process won't be easy, it will be rewarding and provide you with the body of your dreams. If you're ready to trade in that six-pack of beer for a six-pack of muscle, let's go!

1. Your Diet Has to Go


The college days of waking up with a cheeseburger, having lunch consisting of tacos and a dinner of fried foods is long gone. Now that you're older and more mature, food seems to stick to you like an industrial-strength glue that holds airplane parts together. The harsh reality is that simple sugars (soda, candy, chocolate, etc.) need to be eliminated from your food choices. These foods are high in calories and cause a surplus of fat to be stored around your midsection.


2. Movement Is Critical


Do you have an old bike or pair of roller skates that you don't use anymore? Good! Dust off those toys and let's hit the road! Getting our body into movement causes our system to burn stored fat as an energy source to propel us through our activities. If we do this enough, and with enough effort and vigor, our beer belly will peel away to reveal our amazing abs. The key is consistency: Consistent cardio performed over time will, undoubtedly, burn unwanted fat around the stomach.

3. Torch Those Abs


In combination with our newfound love of cardio (sarcasm), we need to emphasize working the muscles within our midsection. The abdominal region consists of upper abs, lower abs and obliques on the side. Performing crunches, leg lifts, mountain climbers and planks will burn these muscles and cause them to grow!

The next time you put on a tight shirt, you might catch a glimpse of those abs underneath!

4. Recovery Is King


Although this last step may seem contradictory to our desire to become a Greek god or goddess, it's absolutely essential. Optimal recovery, such as a hot shower, healthy meal or, perhaps, a massage, has been shown to reduce the amount of Cortisol in our body.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that, quite literally, burns through our muscle and creates stress within the biological system. When we can reduce Cortisol and release Growth Hormone -- the hormone associated with growth and repair -- we can facilitate our transformation.

This plan doesn't sound too scary, right? These tips will get you in the right mindset to start making healthy lifestyle changes! Make sure you spread this info along to your friends, and let us know your tips for shedding stubborn belly fat!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!