4 Carbohydrates That Will Actually Help You To Lose Weight Instead Of Gain It

Jun 20, 2018

Eating a low carbohydrate diet is a great way to really stoke your metabolic fires and promote better fat loss, but you still need to include a controlled amount of complex carbohydrates into your day for fiber, energy, and enjoyment. When paired with healthy proteins and fats (set to a calorie deficit for weight loss), complex carbohydrates burn slow and make you feel full, add nutritional value, help with digestion, and don't spike your insulin like simple carbohydrates. Here is a short list of carbs that will actually help you lose weight instead of gaining it.


There are a wide variety of seasonal squashes to choose from during the year, and they are the perfect substitute for many of your favorite foods like pasta, potatoes, and flour. Noodle cut zucchini squash and spaghetti squash are perfect substitutes for pasta. They can be baked, boiled, or steamed and then topped with your favorite sauce for a lower calorie and carbohydrate noodle option. Some squashes (like pumpkins and acorn squash) are wonderful in baked goods. They add moisture and extra flavor, so incorporate squash puree in gradually until you get the consistency you want in your recipe.



Staying away from high sugar fruits when on a low carb diet is important since many fruits are full of fructose which can spike blood sugar and actually make you hungrier. Fruit is a source of vital nutrients and fiber, so including fruits like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, and blackberries into your meals can add sweetness back into your day without spoiling your weight loss efforts.

Almond and Coconut Flour

Almond and Coconut flour can be used in many baked goods, and they contain a fraction of the carbs in traditional flour. They are higher in fat and protein so tracking your total calories with these is still necessary. You can use both in baked goods and also for thickening sauces and gravies. Almond flour is best in baked goods and lends a nutty flavor. Coconut flour is more absorbent and less is needed when baking, but it's great for thickening sauces if your don't mind a but of extra sweetness. If you aren't ready to totally give up regular flour completely, substitute half the amount with almond or coconut flour to lower the carbs.


Beans get a bad rap because of some of their melodious side effects, but they are great for your health! Black beans and pintos (to name just two) are full of soluble fiber proven to help you shed visceral fat. Beans are also a great source of extra protein and healthy carbohydrates. These versatile legumes can top salads, be included in stews and chilies, and even be used in baked goods. Beans are not only delicious, but they will help to keep you feeling full longer.

Add these carbs into your diet and start reaping the health and weight loss benefits today! Show this to a friend to prove to them that not all carbs are bad carbs!

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