3 Years After Army Vet's Uniform Goes Missing, He & Wife Find It Hanging in Antique Shop

Mar 12, 2019

Misplacing items during a move is a common frustration. When irreplaceable articles are seemingly lost forever, owners often place blame on a theft because other explanations do not seem feasible.

Suspecting thievery was the circumstance when Bakersfield, California resident Xenos Lopez agonized over the loss of a precious valuable. Unfortunately, he had not been able to locate his Army Greens since he moved from one side of Bakersfield to the other.

After three years had passed since he had laid eyes on the meaningful ensemble and his medals, he had no hope of ever seeing them again. A fateful shopping excursion changed all of that.


He and his wife were spending quality time together at their city’s Mill Creek Antique Mall when they could not believe their eyes. There was a very familiar item being displayed in the shop!

It would be on this day that the serviceman would be reunited with his treasured apparel and earned medals. Of the discovery, Lopez said, “I looked through the shop, and when we got ready to leave, my wife points out my uniform. I was shocked.”

He lacks a plausible theory about how the uniform landed in the store, but there was no doubt it was his. He said that all of the awards on it belonged to him, so he instantly knew they had unearthed the highly unlikely find.

The experience was already remarkable, but business owner Rick Freels ensured the moment would be remembered as being truly meaningful. Upon being asked where the uniform came from and hearing how it belonged to Lopez, Freels said, “It’s yours, take it.”

The Army veteran gushed about the act of kindness on Facebook saying, “I am so grateful to have my original uniform with all my awards and my beret returned to me. Thank you guys at Mill Creek Antique Mall. You guys made my year!” 

Going forward, Xenos intends to keep a close watch on his treasured attire. He also plans to display the medals so he will be certain to never lose track of them in the future.

The story of Xenos Lopez and his strayed Army Greens serves as an excellent reminder that hope should never be lost, even in foreseeable impossible circumstances. Encourage others by giving them the opportunity to read about this symbolic memorabilia finding its way home and pass this article on.