3-Year-Old Cancer Patient With Down Syndrome Received Special Birthday Cards And Games

Jun 17, 2019

A sweet little boy by the name of Freddie is fighting a battle against leukemia. His mother asked people to send him birthday cards and gifts for his 3rd birthday but she didn't expect such a big outpouring of love.

Freddie is a brave little guy who happens to have an extra chromosome. But having Down syndrome hasn't stopped him from getting along in life.

Unfortunately, on January 8, 2019, Freddie was diagnosed with B cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Over the course of the following month, Freddie had to go into the hospital to fight this cancer.


Freddie is undergoing another round of chemotherapy at the moment. To deal with this difficult process, his mother wanted to cheer him up with cards and games for his birthday. He's spent almost 100 days in the hospital this year, and he's had to undergo multiple surgeries to deal with his gastric tube, as his mother, Joanne Tyler, told FOX 46.

This little boy has had to face challenges that few other kids have to face. Ever since he was eight months old, Freddie has been going through physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy to help him battle the effects of Down syndrome.

Unfortunately, he developed another known risk of Down syndrome. Kids with this chromosomal disorder have a higher chance of developing leukemia.

Even with all these challenges, Freddie remains an active child with a positive attitude. He loves to dance to his favorite music. Right now, his favorite musical artists, according to his mother, include Maroon 5, Justin Timberlake, Imagine Dragons, and Pharrell.

His dad is a firefighter, and Freddie loves to visit the station to see his father. His dad visits him whenever he is off work. Freddie is the perfect little brother to two older sisters who are missing him. They come to the hospital to visit whenever they can. The hospital isn't too far, so they can see him quite often. Freddie's mom often spends the night with him, so he doesn't get scared.

For his third birthday, people from around the country saw his mom's request for birthday cheer and were touched by Freddie's charming personality. The cards and presents came pouring from locations across the country including Virginia, Texas, and Las Vegas, Inside Edition reports.

When the packages arrived at Freddie's hospital room, he excitedly opened them with his mom, and his face lit up with joy. These simple acts of kindness were the little things that help not only Freddie cope with the treatments, but his parents as well. His mom posted on the "Team Freddy" Facebook that they received 700 cards and counting.

Freddie even got to leave the hospital and go home for a bit for his special day, another small respite for this small but strong kid who still has at least 2 more years of treatment left to go.

Freddie's mom wanted Inside Edition viewers to remember the kids that are in her son's position and said, "There are kids in every city and every hospital going through treatment just like Freddie is."

Watch more in the video below:

There is nothing quite like receiving something out of the blue to lift somebody's spirits up. Have you ever sent a present to a stranger? Let us know in the comments and pass Freddie's story along to others.