3-Year-Old Boy Gets Emotional When His (Waist Long) Ponytail Gets Cut Off

Nov 13, 2018

Growing out your hair can be a long and trying endeavor. For one little boy, however, it was all he had known. Three year old Aiden had never had a haircut and had thick, dark hair that was more than a foot long, reaching his tiny waist. This young man, after a lifetime without haircuts, now was facing the scissors.

However, his parents already had a plan. Aiden's dad would sit right next to him to offer moral support.

In addition, his wavy locks, now over a foot long, would be donated to a charity that uses newly cut hair for wigs for sick children. Although the moment would be painful for Aiden, it would ultimately do good and teach the child a valuable lesson.


Aiden came in and sat nervously in the barber's chair. His long flowing locks were gathered into a ponytail and secured with an elastic.

The barber then handed Aiden's father the scissors. After a few words of encouragement, Aiden's dad went to work. The thick locks required several snips, but finally the hair was chopped off.

Aiden immediately broke down into tears. However, his father was fast to comfort him. In the end, he left the barber shop with a closer relationship to his parents and a new modern hairdo. Most of all, he learned that even the most painful moments can be conquered when they are done to benefit others.

Check out the video here:

What do you think about the boy's new hairdo? Let us know in the comments! Feel free to pass this article on to your friends and family so they can see this boy's new haircut too!