3 Fruit-Infused Waters That Will Help You Lose Weight, Manage Pain, And Sleep Better

Jul 13, 2018

People do crazy things to lose weight and live healthier. Usually their methods end up doing more harm than good. Most of us tend to overlook the easiest wellness remedy, water! Two-thirds of our weight is water, so it's crazy how many of us are dehydrated. Without adequate water supplies, we easily gain weight, sleep poorly, and develop all kinds of diseases.

Here are 3 fruit-infused water recipes that will work wonders for your health.

Pineapple And Fennel Water


Pineapple is super sweet and contains a potent enzyme called bromelain that is both anti-inflammatory and promotes rapid healing. Fennel has a lovely anise flavor that also serves your body by soothing your digestive tract. This awesome study published in 2015 showed that drinking pineapple juice every day decreased body fat and alleviated asthma.



Heat up your water in a saucepan until hot then dump your freshly cut pineapple into the water. Once cooled, add the fennel seeds and let the mixture chill overnight. Strain the water or eat the pineapple and fennel for extra nutrients.


Cucumber, Lemon, And Mint Water


All three of these ingredients are packed with vitamin C, a vital nutrient that promotes overall wellness. Lemon also contains flavonoids and lemonin, which powers your cells and detoxes your organs. Mint contains monoterpene, a powerful antioxidant.



Wash and cut your cucumber and lemon into thin slices

Combine your water, cucumber, lemon, and mint leaves into a large container and let chill overnight.

Cherry, Cinnamon, And Lemon Water


Cherries are basically magical. Did you know that tart cherries contain lots of melanin that helps us sleep better? Additionally, cherries contain powerful anti-inflammatory compounds known as anthrocyanins. Cinnamon has been used as medicine for centuries to treat blood sugar and improve circulation. Lastly, lemon gives this super drink a punch of vitamin C to boost your immune system.



Heat your water until it's warm. Pit your cherries and slice your lemon after washing. Combine all ingredients in your glass and let sit. Enjoy right before bedtime

Which recipe are you most excited to try? Be sure to spread the health and happiness by giving these recipes to your friends!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!