24 Ways To Beat Stress: Don't Let Worry Prevent You From Living Your Life

Dec 14, 2018

Stress relief is much easier said than done. But have you heard of these 24 tips? Be patient--it won't happen overnight.

Stress affects all of us


Stress is in every part of our life. There isn’t one part of our day that isn’t subject to stress. But how you deal with it is entirely up to you. Most of us just push through it trying our best to ignore the feeling of stress. Avoiding the problem is never going to make it disappear.

Stress levels stay on the rise, according to Harris Interactive. It isn’t missing anyone along the way. It has increased in adults, and it has increased in children as young as 8 years old. Nearly 50 percent of this study's participants said that their stress levels have noticeably increased within the last five years.

This problem isn’t going to get fixed by ignoring it. You’ll find that there are tons of tricks you can incorporate in your daily routine to beat stress into the ground. A happier life is just around the corner for you.


1. Be Prepared


Being ready for what’s coming can be such a relief. Plan ahead to reduce a majority of stress from your life.

2. Change Your Diet


You might be feeling anxious because you aren’t getting the right nutrition. Diet is proven to be linked with heightened or lessened anxiety. Try incorporating less fast-food into your diet.

3. Re-Watch Your Favorite Movies


Movies can inspire us. They can bring us back to a better time in our life. They can remind us of who we really are and make us feel good, filling us with familiarly happy feelings.

4. Take More Breaks Throughout The Day


You could be working yourself to the bone without realizing. Take a few more breaks throughout the day when you can. Ignore the pressure to get everywhere on time. It won’t be such a big issue. It can also help you let go a little.

Especially if you work from home, try this out: Work for 90 minutes straight, very focused, then take a 20-minute break.

5. Read A Book


That old saying about how the rich hide their secrets in books is probably true. You should check into that. See if there’s a secret you could use. Reading helps you exercise your imagination.

6. Pick Up A Social Hobby


Interacting with others will completely change the way your mind works. It’s so much easier to be calm when you are looking forward to a fun hobby where you have the opportunity to make new friends.

7. Don't Be Afraid To Daydream


Once in a while, don't forget to escape into a little dream world. Daydreaming is relaxing and can be extremely fulfilling.

8. Control Your Expectations


Don’t expect everything to fall into your lap. Be realistic. If you have to, try to avoid disappointing yourself by lowering your expectations.

9. Cut Back On Technology


Smartphones can become a larger part of your day than you'd like to admit. Once in a while, put all of your devices to the side and just take a walk to smell the roses.

10. Re-focus On Your Goals


Take a few minutes to align yourself. Think about your goals, and how and when you'd like to achieve them. It might help to physically write all of this information down so it's always in front of you.

11. Literally Take A Hike


Go for a walk. It can be very healing. This is even more effective if you visit places that are very special to you.

12. Encourage Yourself


Affirmations are incredible. If you constantly put yourself down, then this will totally change your life. Do it!

13. Pamper Yourself


Take the weekend off. Go to a local spa. You don’t have to spend loads of money to have an amazing day of recharging.

14. Make A List Of What You’re Thankful For Today


You are always going to benefit by focusing on the best parts of your life.

15. See Things As They Are, Not Worse Than They Are


We often spend too much time thinking about some horrible future that hasn’t even happened yet. When we feed a nightmare, it often gets bigger. Don’t sugarcoat your troubles. Don’t exaggerate your worries. See things as they are.

16. Live In The Moment


Don’t waste time worrying about something that might not even happen. Tons of stress comes from living that terrible habit.

17. Be Social


There’s nothing better than good company. It can take the weight right off of your shoulders.

18. Take Charge Of Your Finances


Money is a horribly effective stress builder. And avoiding money issues won't make them go away. Be smart with how you spend your cash so you don’t regret it later.

19. Tidy Up Your House


Cleaning is a very beneficial, and not to mention productive, distraction. Keeping your home spotless will help you keep your stress at a lower level, especially when you are less likely to "lose" something.

20. Write Out Your Problems


Facing your fears is often an easy way to overcome irrational anxiety. You know that your problems aren’t as bad as they seem. Most of our fears don’t have much root in reality. Seeing everything you are stressed about in an objective point-of-view will put you back in control of your emotions.

21. Build Your Relationships


Take some time to get closer to those that mean the most to you. You’ll spend less time thinking about yourself, and you’ll spend more time thinking about the people you love. This will also give you more positive experiences to focus on.

22. Relax To Some Good Tunes


Have a seat. Put your feet up. Throw on some headphones. This is your time to unwind. You should enjoy it as much as you can. Let the music put your head in the game for you. If you want to feel relaxed, but on some music you already know and love, rather than trying out new music.

23. Get Active


But don't hurt yourself! If you don't feel like going for a walk or run, go to the gym. Try doing a few low-stress low-tension exercises. You’ll be blown away by how effective exercise is when it comes to improving your mood.

24. Stay Positive


Stress dies in the presence of positive attitudes. Know that you're stronger than any of your stressors.

How do you deal with your daily stress levels? Give us some more tips in the comment section below. Let everyone know how they can follow these easy steps to reduce their stress.