20 Crazy Things Guaranteed To Get You In Big Trouble At These Schools

May 25, 2018

It is safe to say that you have heard it all before when it comes to society choosing what kids should or should not be exposed to. This theory has resulted in television locks, age requirements, and even what schools opt to allow to grace the hallways and classrooms.

If you are scratching your head awaiting some really obvious things, like religious artifacts, harmful objects, or certain attire, you are about to be anything but pleasantly surprised. These things that schools have banned are ridiculous, guys, and we are actually sorry that we have to show them to you!

1. Dictionaries

Hopefully you did not pull out your dictionary to make sure you read that subheading correctly. Yes, schools have actually banned these handy, ancient books because they were afraid of students looking up "bad words."


2. Friendly Physical Contact

Sure, fighting is a big no-no in schools, but could you imagine someone telling you or your child that they are not allowed to high five or even hug? According to the New York Post, a school banned common schoolyard games, like tag, because they deemed it too rough. This rule led other schools to ban any sort of physical contact between students because, you know, it's bad, or something.

3. Meep. Yes, the Word.

While meep is mostly a sound, one school deemed it a word so that they could ban it. In fact, they sent home letters warning parents that any students who said the word would be suspended. Way to go, Massachusetts Meep.

4. Balls...Like Basketballs

Dodgeball is literally the worst--no one is denying that. However, some schools have not only banned the violent sport, but balls altogether in fear that kids might just make their own brutal game out of them.

5. The Evolution Of A T-Shirt

Schools ban certain shirts all of the time, but for profanity, violence, or sexual innuendos. A school in Missouri banned a shirt showing the evolution of a trumpet player, though, because they thought it to be entirely too controversial.

6. Social Media

While it is common practice for schools to not allow their students on social media during school hours, one went a bit further by saying their kids could not have any at all. Is email still a thing? Because those kids will need it.

7. Food

No, we don't mean food in the classroom. Kids at one school were not allowed to bring any food from home but, instead, had to eat food only sold by the cafeteria. Hopefully the food is good.

8. Not So Happy Father's Day

Unfortunately some kids do not have living parents, but that does not mean that it's okay to outright ban a holiday, like one school did when they banned father's day.

9. Stripes

Everyone has accepted not being allowed to wear short skirts or controversial t-shirts, but imagine being told what patterns you cannot wear. A school in Texas just did away with stripes and plaid altogether. Thanks, we guess.

10. No Cartwheels, Ya'll!

Face it: The kids who can do cartwheels and handstands rock, but only if they can do them at all. One Australian school did away with the dangerous practice entirely.

11. Bathroom Doors or, You Know, Privacy

A Texas school decided that bathroom doors allowed for sexual activity between students. Their solution? Take them down!

12. Valedictorians

Those who earn the title of being their class valedictorian should be incredibly proud of their achievements. However, certain schools thought that naming a student smarter than the others was discouraging and mean.

13. Transportation

A New York City school district did away with non-motorized transportation to school. That's right, no walking or biking to and from school. I guess the overall goal to shape smart and healthy kids does not exist in this particular district.

14. Best Friends For Never

A best friend is often somebody you will have in your life forever, unless you are not allowed to have one, of course. For one school in London, best friend having is just plain rude and not fair to other children.

15. Not So Silly Bands

Those colorful bands are too distracting for schools, apparently. Several states have even concluded that the bracelets are "dangerously distracting." Wow, dangerous and silly bands just coincide, we guess.

16. Red Pencils

We have heard of schools not allowing red ink because it is confusing when teachers correct their papers with the same crimson color. Well, the United Kingdom and Australia took it a step further by saying that red is too intense for students, so why use it at all, right?

17. Slang

An English school determined that slang makes their students appear stupid and not prepared to enter the workforce or secondary education. Banning it from being spoken on school grounds was the solution to this clear "problem."

18. Uggs

If you have a pair of Uggs, you basically have life in the palm of your hand. Well, unless you attend school in Pennsylvania because, according to them, Uggs are bad and used to hide cell phones during class. Save them for detention, maybe?

19. Milk

While the creamy substance is not officially banned, a group of people is determined to make this goal happen. Claiming milk as being a leading contributor to childhood obesity, a group in Washington wants it out of schools entirely.

20. Dinosaurs

The word itself is not allowed in any standardized testing, according to the NYC Department of Education. Believing that this word is tied to evolution and will offend those of a certain religion, they just did away with it totally.

Find these things to be just downright crazy? Let your friends know how you feel!