2-Year-Old Warrior Beats Stage 4 Cancer After Almost 500 Days Of Brutal Treatments

May 17, 2019

One of the most difficult things to see is a child suffering from a disease. It tears at the very heart of humanity to see young and innocent souls burdened with conditions that can strike down even the strongest adults. Kentucky mom Chelsea Hughes knows this horror all too well. At only 4 months old, Chelsea’s baby girl Molly was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma.

Chelsea and her family were incredibly dismayed by the diagnosis, fearing that their smiling little baby wouldn’t live to see age two.

While neuroblastoma (a type of cancer that forms in the nerve tissue in young children) has a survival rate of 90 to 95 percent in most cases, more aggressive forms of the disease have survival rates of only 40 to 50 percent.


Despite all the odds, Molly proved to be a fighter. After spending a combined 130 days in the hospital undergoing grueling chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, doctors found that Molly’s cancer was now in remission.

Chelsea shared the incredible news with her Facebook followers, and the toddler’s happy prognosis soon went viral. Throughout her 15 months of treatment, Chelsea had regularly shared news of her daughter’s battle with neuroblastoma with friends and family using the hashtag #MollyStrong.

A key part of Chelsea’s message was emphasizing that Molly was not a victim, but a fighter. Spread throughout her social media are pictures of Molly wearing a Wonder Woman t-shirt and a sweater with the words “Super Molly” imprinted on the back.

Because of the various IVs all over her body, the little girl could never learn to swim. Speaking with CNN, Chelsea said that this summer will be a fantastic time for Molly. because now that she’s cancer free, Chelsea is looking forward to teaching Molly how to swim with her 4-year-old brother.

What do you think of Molly’s battle with cancer? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to spread hope and awareness by showing this story to your loved ones.