19 Promises To Myself That I Will Fulfill In 2019

Jan 07, 2019

Most all of us make new year's resolutions. Here are the ones I am making this year! I hope you join in as well.

1. Forgiving myself


I am very hard on myself and have many regrets. I usually tear myself apart when I make mistakes. I'm going to start forgiving myself when I make mistakes just as I would do for anyone else that I care about.


2. Releasing negativity


Sometimes you have toxic people or habits that creep into your life and you don't even realize it. By the time you are aware of the situation, it's really hard to let it go. But, I don't need my life to be anymore difficult than it is so I'm letting go of all the toxicity in my life.

3. Leave 2018 in 2018


Some things I'll remember forever. I can't forget the great memories with friends and family. But, there are some things I would rather not think about. This is where I say that the past must stay in the past.

4. Tell others how I feel


You hear it all the time; life is short. But, it's really true. This means it's too short not to tell others how I really feel. I'm done holding my feelings in. If I care for someone, I'll let them know when the opportunity arises. I won't have regrets this year from not telling someone that I love or care for them.

5. Go after my dreams


I've always pursued my dreams but not to the fullest extent that I can. I've played down my dreams and made excuses on why I haven't achieved the things that I want. The truth is that I haven't been trying as hard as I should've. From this point forward, I'll pour myself into my dreams and make them happen.

6. Care for myself


I am a giver and I spend a lot of time and effort in caring for others. The problem with this is that I tend to neglect myself and when I do spend time on myself I feel guilty. I am realizing this is a problem and I am only hurting myself in this process. If I don't take care of myself, I can't take care of others as I love to do.

7. Self-help


When I think about the past year, I realize there are so many things that I could've handled in a more appropriate way. I know that the past is the past and I can't do anything about that, but the future is in my hands. I'll think through situations and work on myself so that I am a better person than I've ever been.

8. Believe in myself


My friends and family have no problem telling me that I am talented or wonderful but I don't easily believe any of it. This year I'll be trying to see myself in a new light just as my friends and family do. Maybe they are on to something.

9. Let go of the "almosts"


I'm not wasting anymore time on things that almost happen. I have spent too much time waiting on those "almosts" to turn into the reality that I'm craving. I'll spend time where it matters and on the people that plan to stick around me.

10. Taking risks

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I'm done with making excuses for being afraid. I'm ready to face fear whether it's actual fear or fear of failing. I can't get amazing things out of life if I am always sitting still in my comfort zone.

11. Listen to my gut


I'll no longer be ignoring my inside voice. We have this inside voice for a reason and it's time to take advantage of it.

12. Saying no without justifying


We are made to feel like we have to say yes to everyone. And, the times we do say no it's almost second nature to give an explanation why. The simple fact is that you don't have to justify saying no. "No." is the answer and that is enough.

13. Accept that I'm good enough


Comparing yourself to others is very easy to do. You'll always find someone that makes you feel like you're not good enough. I may not have accomplished the things others have but I have my own set of accomplishments. I AM good enough and I'll keep reminding myself of that whenever I need to hear it.

14. Keep boundaries


I've set boundaries in my life for a reason. I've been pretty lenient with them in the past but not anymore. I plan to set my boundaries and keep them.

15. Remembering that I am human


I feel like I have to have everything together and be that "perfect" person. The underlying truth is that it's impossible to be that person. Nothing is perfect. Life is full of chaos and that's also true about me. I'm a perfect mess and that's ok.

16. Guard my heart without building a wall


It's easy to build that wall up around you when you have been hurt. It protects you and stops others from hurting you. You've been there and don't want to go there again. But the fact is, without the chance of hurt there is no chance of love or growth. So I'll protect my heart but keep the walls down. I'll face the hurt when I have to and grow from what I learn.

17. Ask for help


Asking for help can be hard for some of us but it's time to just do it. It doesn't mean that you are incompetent or weak. It means that you need someone else to ride out this time with you. I understand now that it's ok to ask for help.

18. Admitting I'm wrong


There isn't any excuse or reason I can make for not saying that I'm wrong. Instead of hurting others and making excuses, this year I'll be taking ownership and admitting when I'm wrong.

19. Live in the moment


I have issues with getting stuck on things that happened in the past or obsessing with my future plans. This leaves little time to live in the moment that I am actually experiencing. I'm done with that. It's time to give myself the gift of living in the present! I'm ready to love where I am.

What do you plan to change this year? Let us know in the comments below! And pass this to your friends and family so they also know how you plan to improve yourself in the new year!