16-Year-Old In Tears At Prom After Bully Pours Jug Of Juice Over Her

Jul 04, 2019

Emilee is a 16-year-old from the UK, who suffers from severe anxiety. 

Despite this, with the persuasion of her mother, she took the plunge and attended prom. What happened when she was there, however, has angered thousands of people on the interenet. 

Emilee Perry's story became viral news on social media when her mother posted the story on Facebook. Emilee's mother received a call from her daughter to pick her up only two hours after dropping her off at the prom. 

"This is my beautiful daughter, my beautiful daughter who suffers with anxiety whom we had to beg to go to the prom this evening. 2 hours later I collect her from the prom like this, Heartbroken and in a state," She wrote."This 'person' thought it a good idea to pour a full jug of juice over her and soak her from head to toe. I hope one day someone humiliates and devastates her like she has done to my daughter!!!!"

Emilee's spirits have since been lifted by the countless people who have reached out to her on social media. The support has come from all four corners of the earth.


In fact, Emilee was so overwhelmed with the support that she wrote a post of her own to thank everybody:

"Wow, I just want to take the time out to thank each and every person that has gone out of the way to absolutely shower me with love and support ! It is greatly appreciated and I will most certainly be eternally grateful for the extremely unexpected outcome of this situation! I've had so much support and so many people contacting me that I simply can not reply to each and every one so I'm hoping that you all see this post ! You all know who you are ❤️"


Mother Tracy, however has since updated everyone on the aftermath. According to a post she wrote on Facebook, the parents of the particular bully have been made aware of their daughter's actions and have since apologized. 

"The father of the girl came round and apologised I’m sure the parents are mortified over their daughters moment of madness, I’m sure we all have done things in life we regret," She wrote.

She then went on to thank everybody for their overwhelming amount of support. 

"Nobody could have predicted how this has gone viral around the world, this is totally out of our control, my daughter suffers with severe anxiety which is a constant internal battle in her head, this story has touched the hearts of people from around the world, we have been bombarded with good positive wishes, this has helped Emilee deal with it all in a positive way, as a parent I want the best outcome for my daughter and will embrace any positivity that’s comes of this rollercoaster ride. Thankyou"

Were you horrified by how Emilee was treated? Were you appalled at the behavior of the bully? Send this article to all of your social media friends. This type of behavior should be called out and eliminated.