16-Year-Old Canadian Teen Spreads Positivity By Using Experiment To Compliment Classmates

Dec 14, 2019

A 16-year-old from Canada used a school project to spread positivity and make people feel great about themselves, revealing her sweet character and inspiring others around her.

Olivia Brockhoff attends Lloydminster's Holy Rosary High School. The wise teen harnessed the power of the internet and social media to spread kindness to her classmates. Olivia said that she got the idea for the project after watching a similar video online.

The teen referred to the project as a social experiment. She began by creating an Instagram account and taking a video of herself telling her classmates that she was taking pictures of things that she thought were beautiful. She would then tell the person that she thought that they were beautiful.


Olivia said that she was surprised by the reactions of people. She said that while some people cried, others said that their day was made by Olivia's kind words. As a bonus for Olivia, her teacher also approved of her project.

This social experiment proves that words truly do matter. It is shockingly easy to make someone's day just by spreading a little kindness. Olivia does not plan on stopping here. She said that wants to continue to spread positive messages using an online platform. Her next project will focus on being yourself and not changing who you are simply to fit in.

Everyone can use a little inspiration like this. After you have watched Olivia's video, be sure to spread the message to everyone else in your social network.