14 Reasons That Make Scorpio The Best Zodiac Sign

Dec 12, 2018

If you have ever been around a Scorpio for an extended period of time, then you know that they can be very hard to figure out. That’s why we have put together a list of 14 things you should learn about a Scorpio if you want to be close to them. Read on to find out what they are!

1. Scorpios are terrible liars and will always be honest


A Scorpio will have trouble telling even a little white lie. They don’t like to deceive people because they know what it is like to be deceived themselves. Therefore, you can always expect the truth from a Scorpio. However, they will always expect the same from you. They hate liars and will have a hard time getting over someone who lies to them.


2. Scorpios are very sarcastic but have a great sense of humor


Scorpios are just naturally sarcastic. They may not even realize that they are being sarcastic to you, so try not to take it personally if they are. They also have a great sense of humor and are usually very popular among their peers.

3. A Scorpio will be cautious about who they become friends with


Scorpios would rather be with a couple of good friends than surrounded by a bunch of casual acquaintances. They can be very picky when it comes to choosing their friends. They value their friends and expect the same from them. They won’t think twice about cutting you off if you hurt or betray them.

4. Scorpios have very strong opinions and are often rebellious


A Scorpio will not like being told what they should think or what they should be doing. They have super strong opinions that are not easily swayed by others. They will often distance themselves from a person that tries to control their lives. They have a rebellious streak inside that they are not afraid to let out when the situation calls for it.

5. Scorpios will live how they want and no way else


Don’t try to tell a Scorpio how to live his or her life. They are more independent than most of the other Zodiac signs and will always rely on themselves rather than others. They have their own thoughts and other people will not change that. They will live how they want, where they want, and with the people they want.

6. Scorpios can be emotional but won’t want to show it


Scorpios can be more emotional than the other Zodiac signs. However, they often try to hide these emotions from others. They do not want to appear weak, so they will put distance between themselves and others to recover. If you keep prodding them to tell you what is wrong, be prepared for them to get even more upset.

7. They can be amazing listeners


Scorpios truly want to listen to the problems of others. They will go out of their way to comfort you and to talk to you when you are feeling upset or down. They will also try to give you the best advice that they can. They are not phony when it comes to really caring about the ones that they love.

8. A Scorpio enjoys learning new things


Scorpios are not content unless they are learning something new. They seek out new information and will learn it fast. They have very detail-oriented minds and are often very proficient in technological and scientific areas. Their thirst for knowledge will lead them to try to learn as much as they possibly can.

9. A Scorpio can be very unpredictable


Scorpios hate having to do the same kind of routine day in and day out. They get bored and want to do other activities. This causes them to do things that cannot be predicted. They despise monotony and would rather shake things up as much as possible. 

10. They often act strange and weird


Yes, a Scorpio can be downright strange at times. People are often left shaking their heads at their antics! However, everyone also loves this side of them. They aren’t afraid to cut loose and let their goofy side show.

11. Scorpios will always find the best in anyone


Scorpios are kind-hearted souls who truly believe that there is good in everyone. Therefore, they will often overlook a mistake and give someone a second or even third chance. They despise having any type of negative energy around them and will work hard to make things right.

12. Scorpios have big dreams and the drive to succeed


Scorpios do not want to settle in life. They dream big and will go out of their way to make their dreams come true. They have the drive and determination to see through the steps that will get them to what they want. Don’t try to get in their way, either. If you are not on their side, a Scorpio will not hesitate to leave you behind in pursuit of their dreams.

13. A Scorpio really does want the best for everyone


Scorpios often take jobs that will allow them to help others. They will work with charities or find work in a humanitarian organization. They see where the world needs to be fixed and will try to fix it. Scorpios are loving and giving people who really want the world to be a better place for everyone. They are truly eager to help make it that way. 

14. Scorpios are amazing in the bedroom


Scorpios are energetic, passionate, loving, and tolerant. They are very open-minded and have no trouble trying out new things. This makes them an extremely fun partner if you go to bed with them. They will do everything that they can to make sure their partner is happy and satisfied with their performance. Going to bed with a Scorpio is an amazing experience for all involved!


Do you know a Scorpio who has the above qualities? Are you one yourself and recognize those traits? We would love to hear your take on this article! Leave a comment and then pass it along to others who are interested in zodiac signs.