14 Healthy Habits To Stay Fit And Attractive With Less Effort

Dec 12, 2018

The internet is filled with tips to maintain your health and beauty. You may have read articles suggesting you eat less, keep track of consumed calories, and participate in regular exercise. But here are 14 tips that will require minimum effort and will help you effectively to stay healthy and attractive.

1. Use The Two-Bite Rule


You can play a little trick on your brain when eating a food that you know is an unhealthy food choice. Take a bite of the food product and then drink a glass of water. You can then take another bite. You will become full much faster this way.


2. Fill Half Your Plate With Vegetables


Water, fiber, and nutrients are available in abundance in vegetables. You will see a significant improvement in your health when you regularly consume fruits and vegetables. You should apply this concept when you are in the supermarket also. If your grocery basket is half filled with fruits and vegetables it will be easier to make plates that look the same.

3. Two Minutes Walking Per Hour


You should make it a rule to walk for two minutes out of every hour if you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time. You can visit briefly with friends in another department, take a walk to another floor of the building, or take a brief break outside once each hour.

4. Eat Only Six Spoons Of Sugar


Consuming large amounts of sugar increases your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes. The practice can also result in obesity. According to Health experts at The American Heart Association, sugar consumption be capped at nine teaspoons for men a day and six teaspoons for women.

5. Consume Warm Beverages


Heated beverages affect a reduction in metabolic waste. This will slow down the aging process. Drinking warm water or tea half an hour before meal consumption speeds digestion, improves metabolic rate, and provides better circulation.

6. Do Not Brush Teeth After A Meal


You should wait thirty minutes following a meal before brushing your teeth. Brushing your teeth immediately after consuming certain products can cause damage to the enamel of the teeth.

7. Eat Bit Meals


A study, "The Contribution of Expanding Portion Sizes to the US Obesity Epidemic", published by Lisa R. Young, Ph.D., RD, and Marion Nestle, Ph.D., MPH, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, New York University was published in The National Center for Biotechnology Information.

It was found that large meals and food portions are more effective at preventing overeating. A large salad will cause you to feel satisfied with eating much quicker than a few walnuts.

8. Begin The Day With Protein


The hunger hormone ghrelin is reduced by eating foods rich in protein. Foods like chicken, eggs, or Greek yogurt will prove much more effective at holding you until lunch than a breakfast filled with carbohydrates.

9. Eat When And What You Want


Many people deny themselves their favorite food products for a certain amount of time. However, they will not be able to do this forever. When you begin to eat your favorite foods once again there may be a tendency to overeat. You should allow yourself your favorite foods when you want them.

10. Do Not Count Calories


The quality of food eaten is much more important than the number of calories consumed. A study conducted by the Researchers in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, over a 20-year period identified sugary drinks and processed foods as the main drivers of weight gain. Concentrate your efforts on eating more nutritious foods and pay less attention to calorie counts.

11. Do Not Eat Snacks From Packets


Cookies and chips can be consumed in large amounts in a short period of time when eating from a packet. Transfer these items to plates to better control the quantity you consume.

12. Be Selfish


You must believe yourself to be the most important person in your world to properly manage your health. Put your interests first when it comes to caring for your needs and well-being. Begin each day with thoughts of how to make yourself better.

13. Use The Ten-Minute Rule


This rule can be applied a number of ways. If you want more rest go to sleep ten minutes earlier than normal. If you find it difficult to get the exercise you need, begin by devoting ten minutes a day.

14. Move Close To The Window


Sunlight improves sleep quality and productivity. Your health will benefit if you can get exposure to sunlight while working.

What do you think about the health tips explained in the article? Were you already aware of some of these tips? Send this article to your friends and family. They will thank you for providing information to keep them healthy and beautiful.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!