12-Year-Old Irish Busker Brings Her Amazing Talents to Ellen And Stuns The Audience Into Silence

Feb 01, 2018

What were you doing when you were 12? We bet you weren't performing incredible songs and playing guitar on the Ellen show :) Allie Sherlock is taking her talents to new heights at the tender age of 12. Scroll down to watch the video and judge for yourself if she's the next Adele!


Allie blew The Ellen Show audience away. Given her diminutive stature, you'd be forgiven for thinking that her singing voice would be just as diminutive but that is the last thing anyone is thinking when they hear her perform.

Allie has been singing on the streets of her hometown in Ireland for a while now but she always makes sure her Dad is with her to keep her safe. Honestly though, most people are so spellbound by her voice, we doubt anything would ever happen to her!

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