11-Year-Old Boy Opens Lemonade Stand To Raise Money To Assist Single Moms

Aug 05, 2020

Cartier Carey puts tremendous effort into running a lemonade stand. The 11-year-old isn't raising money for a new bike or anything else that would personally benefit him. Young Cartier wants to raise money for single moms and families currently struggling. The selfless act now garners Carey some well-deserved praise and attention. Hopefully, that will translate into more lemonade sales.

Running a lemonade stand has enormous benefits for young persons who usually give this endeavor a try. A lemonade stand might not be the same size and scope as a multinational corporation, but basic economics apply. Young people can learn a lot from running a stand. They may even help a good cause.

Just as basic economics carry into running a lemonade stand, so do aspects of charity and goodwill. Cartier Carey shows that you don't need to be an adult to do something good for others and your local community. All you need is a kind heart and a little motivation. Cartier has both.


Cartier realizes that recent times have hit families quite hard. The impact is an economic one, as many people are out of work or earning less due to the ripple effect. Cartier felt he could do something to help, so he did.

The Virginia resident went to work setting up a stand and selling lemonade along with a few snacks. He directs the funds towards paying for baby wipes and diapers, two things struggling moms might appreciate. And Cartier's success may surprise everyone. So far, he raised around $5,000. That much money can do a lot of good in his neighborhood.

CNN ran a story on Cartier and his mission. The publicity probably helped him sell a lot of lemonade. Hopefully, additional publicity will assist his lemonade stand and charitable cause even more.

The Virginia-Pilot newspaper also ran a feature on Cartier. He mentioned how God wants people to do such things. Cartier felt he could help people out, so he did.

Just as top companies expand their enterprises, so did Cartier. He's not only selling lemonade anymore. Cartier now promotes care packages with soap, deodorant, and more in them. The care packages could prove as popular if not more so than the lemonade.

Attraction marketing might be at work here. As "like attracts like," so Cartier's lemonade and care package stand could draw in people who want to lend a caring hand to others. Realizing the potential, Cartier expanded his endeavors to the internet to reach other caring people. He is using the popular donation platform GoFundMe to help raise funds. He branded his new enterprise, Kids for Change.

The young man has a lofty goal in mind. He wants to inspire youths across the globe to do something for others. Cartier's success could inspire others to take up a good cause and raise money and awareness.

If the young man decides to dedicate his life to charity, Kids for Change could become an influential and expansive enterprise. Again, many top entrepreneurs learned the basics of business running a lemonade stand. Why wouldn't someone also be able to learn about the basics of charities and nonprofits? Lessons do carry over.

Cartier Carey established a good thing with his lemonade stand. Let's hope it continues to grow and remains successful even when the troubling times are past us.

Cartier Carey's story is both touching and inspiring. Let us know your thoughts down below, then let others discover his amazing story. Doing so can remind others that there are many good people in the world, and some are only 11-years-old.