11 Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance Women Should Know

Mar 01, 2018

Hormones control the body, so when the production is disrupted you will definitely feel it! There will be a noticeable shift in your mood, appearance, and general well-being. Things such as frequent headaches and waking up with an unexpected pimple on your chin shouldn't be ignored as they might be due to a hormonal imbalance. 

But how can you know for sure if your body's natural process is being interrupted? Read more to find out!

Sudden Acne

Sudden acne in your adult years can be a total pain! Acne and blackheads appear when your pores are clogged, but if you take care of your skin and haven't seen any sign of acne until now, then you might be experiencing a hormonal imbalance. Low androgen levels lead to acne on the body, so it's important to meet with a doctor to figure out the cause and issue. 


Constant Headaches

We often get headaches due to stress and fatigue, so if you're having a relaxed day off on the weekend and suddenly get hit with a headache that just won't go away, you may have low estrogen levels. Estrogen is a female hormone that is produced in the ovaries and has control over the metabolic processes in the brain and spinal cord. If you have too little of it, then you risk getting a migraine.


Women who have just given birth generally have lowers levels of estrogen and progesterone, which may affect their quality of sleep. Progesterone is a natural relaxant, so if you find that you're unable to fall asleep night after night and haven't recently given birth, your level may be too low. 

Incessant Sweating

If you're not going through menopause, sudden sweating is a worrisome problem for women. There is a high chance that something is wrong with your hormonal balance since they control the temperature of the body. 

Never-ending Fatigue

Everyone gets tired during the day, especially near the end of a long work week. But if you're constantly feeling tired even after a full night's rest and light activity, doctors suggest there may be a problem with the production of thyroid hormones. Don't ignore your fatigue, make sure you check with a doctor!


Weight Gain

Having a hormonal imbalance means your body will gain weight no matter what you eat. High levels of estrogen, cortisol, or insulin can cause your body to gain and retain excess fat in your midsection, while low levels of thyroid hormones will cause you to gain weight all over. This can be especially frustrating for women sticking to strict eating plans and exercise routines and not seeing results. 

Hair Loss

High levels of testosterone in men is what makes them big and hairy, while for women it is the exact opposite. A woman with high testosterone levels can be damaging to their hair follicles and possibly lead to baldness. Check with your doctor if you notice large clumps of hair coming off on your brush or in your hands.

Digestion Problems

Has your stomach ever felt funny during a stressful situation? It's caused by a huge hormonal release due to the stress you're feeling. Studies have also found that high levels of hormones in the ovaries can lead to seizures and stomach aches because it influences the microflora of the intestines. 

Insatiable Hunger

Our body has hormones that decide when it is hungry and satisfied called leptin and ghrelin. Leptin decreases our appetite after we've eaten while ghrelin decides when it's time to eat. When these are not in sync, you will constantly feel hungry. 


There are many different reasons why a woman may forget something, such as stress or distractions. But if you find yourself constantly forgetting important dates and deadlines and are unable to focus, you may be experiencing low estrogen levels.

Breast Changes

Changes in breast size is one of the most serious signs of body problems. A decrease in estrogen levels affects the skin's humidification and elasticity, which can cause breasts to lose their shape, volume, and size. Breast changes happen very rarely and most likely have nothing to do with cancer, but are most likely due to hormonal imbalances and menopause. 

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