11 Obvious Signs Your Guardian Angels Are Looking After You

Sep 07, 2018

It can be a great comfort to believe that guardian angels exist and watch over us. From biblical references to Ancient Greek philosophy, the belief in some shape and form of guardian angels has been around for century upon century. Some believe that guardian angels are spiritual guides.

Others believe them to be heavenly representatives working in a spiritual realm. And, still others believe that guardian angel spirits are continually all around us and watching over our well-being at all times and in all things. Whatever you believe a guardian angel’s form and role to be, there are some clear and tangible signs you can use to feel their presence in your life. Let’s explore:

1. Cloud Shapes 


You’ve likely found yourself marveling at a cloud and perplexed at how it reminds of you of something. You see a shape, a face, an object formed by the cloud. It calls you to look up at it and notice it’s symbolism when others seem to see and notice nothing other than a white fluffy blob. Guardian angels often use the clouds to send messages, warnings, or clues to you. 


2. Coins

Take note when you find random change or the same change keeps finding its way back to you. Is the date on the coin or the specific numbers an indicator of something? Are you struggling with a financial predicament or decision? Your guardian angel may be offering you hope or direction through the coin because money is something everyone handles on a daily basis. 

3. Loose Feathers 


Lose feathers randomly on the ground are said to be signs of an angel nearby, lovingly watching and protecting your path in life. Finding a feather in an odd place, such as your car, in your home, in the hallway of your office, is a sign that your guardian angel needs you to know they’re there and you aren’t alone. A white feather is a particularly strong angelic sign. 

4. An Unusual Scent


Have you ever suddenly smelled something unusually sweet? It’s such an appealing scent that you feel it pulling your mind somewhere. Have you ever smelled something so familiar in the most unusual place? Angels use familiar and sweetly attractive scents to capture your attention or remind you of their continued presence in your life.

5. Sound And Music 


Many have described hearing distant muffled voices from a loved one. Others have described hearing angelic music or voices from a dimension, not in their own physical space. Angels also use music from the physical world to communicate, such as by a particular song always being played wherever you go or during specific times.

Have you ever heard lyrics to a song being played as an answer just as you were thinking about a subject? Have you ever been thinking of someone and a song plays that was a favorite of theirs, with their name in it, or that offers you comfort? 

6. Odd Colors And Lights


You catch a sparkle of light, an orb, flash of color, or shadow out of the corner of your eye, but there’s absolutely nothing that could’ve caused it. We often unexpectedly catch these glimpses of our guardian angels.

7. Rainbows


Rainbows are the symbolic epitome of a promise to never be forsaken, that there’s always hope, and eternal love never dies. Your guardian angel may show you a rainbow during times of need or great sorrow so that you’ll remember you’re always heard and they’re always there for you. 

8. Sudden Chill Or Warmth 


If you suddenly feel a bone-jarring chill that gives you goosebumps or suddenly feel a warmth surrounding you in comfort, then your guardian angel is likely near. It’s also been described as a tingling in the top of your head.

You could just be in need of a hug, or you could need to raise your senses and be more attuned to your environment. Pay attention when the temperature changes around you without just cause. 

9. Intuition 


The room is empty other than yourself. You’re physically alone. Everything is quiet. Yet, you feel a presence with you. This is something that can be so overwhelming and frightening that you immediately close the connective channel down.

Your mind is running in a million directions. Is there danger? Are you really alone? Are you imagining things? Your guardian angel is trying to communicate with you. Clear your mind and just feel so that you can pay attention to whatever your guardian angel wants you to know. 

10. The Written Word And Numbers 


Much like with the symbolism in clouds, coins, and songs, guardian angels often make use of the written words around you to make a more bold and clear statement when you don’t pay attention to them and their more subtle messages.

Do certain words, phrases, or numbers seem to show up whenever you go?  Do certain angelic numbers, such as 11 or 3, or meaningful numbers, such as a birthday, seem to repeat themselves in your life? This could be your angel pointing you to a message or guiding you in a specific direction. 

11. Babies And Animals 


Babies have the most recent and relative knowledge of the spiritual world. Some suggest this is why babes aren’t born with the ability to talk. They’d be able to give a direct account of our spiritual existence and negate our earthly purposes.

Evidence of a continued connection between babies and our interconnected spiritual world can be seen as they giggle, coo, and stare intently at absolutely nothing the rest of us can see. This is a good sign that an angel is near and lovingly interacting with your offspring. Likewise, animals are very close to the spiritual realm and can sense spiritual presences the human eyes and ears often can’t. 

Signs of angels and their attempts to connect with us are everywhere. It’s up to us to ignore or receive. Do you believe in guardian angels? Has your guardian angel used any of these 11 means to communicate with you? We would love to hear your stories, questions, and comments!