11 Habits That Only Incredibly Polite People Have

Jan 09, 2019

Tommy Lee Jones once said, “Kindness and politeness are not overrated at all. They’re underused.” Some say being polite is an inexpensive way to gain friends, and it has a fascinating way of increasing the respect others have for you. Besides improved interpersonal relationships, politeness could enhance the quality of your life. Being polite has a remarkable effect on esteem and self-confidence. This article highlights 11 behavioral tendencies observable in genuinely polite individuals.

1. They think before they speak.


When you don’t think before speaking, arguments can start, and you can sometimes ruin relationships. As an adult, the social expectation is for you to think before you speak. Polite people do always. You shouldn’t feel pressured to talk at any time and if you require a little more time to respond, then say so. An excellent way to refrain from impulsive uttering is to catch yourself before you do. It’s all right if you acknowledge the impulse but don’t act on it. Instead, take a deep breath before saying anything.


2. They don’t forget names.


Forgetting a person’s name can be embarrassing. It’s a bad habit for many people but making a conscious choice to remember names and using active listening behavior which many may view as being polite. You might write names down or repeat them to yourself to remember. You can also try associating the first letter of a person’s name with some personality or physical attribute like, “Chris always wears caps,” or “Susan always smiles.”

3. They don’t have time for gossip.


Just like with drama, polite people don’t start gossip or indulge in it. It’s a waste of energy that is usually damaging to someone, and it gets a person nowhere by sharing or listening to it. Gossip is not the behavior of mature people because it’s a worthless and annoying habit.

4. They do not complain.


It’s okay to vent and express unhappiness constructively at times, but polite people are not complainers who voice grievances about everything that might be unpleasant, inconvenient or otherwise set them back. Gratitude is the remedy for the habit of complaining. It might help to make a list of things you are grateful for and keep the list with you to read when the urge to complain rushes through you.

5. They don’t force personal beliefs onto others.


Everyone has opinions and specific beliefs on various topics and issues, but polite people do not push theirs onto others. That is proselytizing, and they are mature enough not to do so.

6. They stay clear of drama.


You may often hear a polite person say. “I don’t want to have anything to do with that,” when approaching or hearing the drama. They don’t want to hear it because it is a producer of nothing good and a waste of time. It’s easy to get out of the way of drama by excusing your ears from listening to it. When someone comes bringing drama, the polite thing to do is unabrasively acknowledge what the person has said with, “I see,” and keep it moving.

7. They understand healthy boundaries.


Polite people respect people’s personal space. People don’t like people invading their privacy and personal space. When you get too close, a polite person will nonchalantly step away and reversely avoid infringing on anyone else.

8. They always wear a smile.

istockphotos.com/mihailomilovanovic Much like yawning when other people do, the smile on a person is contagious. The next time you come across someone who is smiling, try to frown and see what happens. There’s even been a study conducted proving the infectious nature of a smile.

9. They don’t come across as being better than others.


A polite person does not place themselves above others even if others in society do so. Polite people have respect for others as if each person was their equal and they treat others with dignity. One of the world’s wealthiest men, Warren Buffett, exemplifies this trait impeccably.

10. They have superb active listening skills.


Active listening is a very noticeable habit of polite individuals. They don’t try to talk over others and allow people to express their thoughts before interjecting and cutting them off completely. You can improve active listening skills keeping eye contact with a person speaking, giving your full attention to whoever is talking and providing appropriate feedback which reflects what the speaker says.

11. They are non-judgmental.


Polite people don’t spend their time judging other people. Judging someone without knowing the person’s story is sheer ignorance and the antithesis of politeness; it’s blatant rudeness. Usually, judgmental people judge others based on seeded unhappiness within themselves. If you are overly critical of others around you, then it may be time for introspection to discover the root cause of your unhealthy behavior.

Hopefully, this list of polite people’s habits inspires you to adjust any unmannerly or unpleasant behavioral traits you possess. By conventional standards, being polite demonstrates kindness and respectfulness. Politeness may give way to a better life for yourself and those around you. If you enjoyed reading this article, be polite and please pass it along to those you know. Also, feel free to tell us your opinions and thoughts below.