108-Year-Old Woman Goes Out To Vote In The Rain

Dec 18, 2019

108-year-old Amy "Win" Hawkins didn't let a damp atmosphere get in the way of performing her civic duty. Wales' eldest resident triumphed over dreary weather conditions to cast her vote in England's general election. As a matter of fact, the great-grandmother has been voting consistently since 1935.

Born Before the Suffragette Movement

When the centenarian was born in 1911, women didn't even have the right to vote in Britain. It was the 1928 Equal Franchise Act that enshrined her voice in governance, and she made good on the promise of political involvement in 1935. The choice to participate was a foregone conclusion: "My mother gave me a Suffragette brooch for my 21st birthday," as she told the The London Economic.


Staunch Labour supporter

Except for one instance of clerical confusion in 2017, the Cardiff native never missed a chance to vote against Conservatives. As reported in The London Economic, Hawkins has steadfastly refused to deviate from her party affiliation, and 2019's ballot saw her voting for Yvonne Murphy. Her reasoning for supporting the group is simple: "I voted for Labour because they do more for you."

A Working Class Life

Professional dancing was Hawkins' first professional calling, and theatrical on-stage performances served as her primary means of support during her teenage years. The ambitious woman soon transitioned to window-dressing, which remained her career until she gave birth to a daughter, Rosemary Morris, in 1947 with her husband George, who was a sign-writer until his passing in 1996.

Amy's willingness to brave the rain at just a few months shy of 109-years-old should serve as a stark reminder to everyone that we need to make our voices heard no matter the personal cost. Pass this inspiring story on to family and friends.