10 Workouts To Eliminate Belly Fat Without Running

Jan 24, 2019

Belly fat is not only unpleasant to look at, but it can also lead to some serious medical issues later down the road if you do not try to work on it now.

While running is a great way to burst that belly blob, not everyone has access to an outdoor track or the gym. We have outlined 10 great exercises below, proven to help reduce belly fat, that can be done in the comfort of your own home.


1. Swimming

Swimming is quite possibly the most effective way to lose your belly bulge. Be sure to keep it up as hard as you can to get the most benefits out of the time.

2. Forearm Plank

The most popular of the plank exercises currently in use today, the forearm plank is not only a great way to reduce your belly fat, but also has the added benefit of strengthening your arms, shoulders, core muscles, and glutes at the same time.

The exercise begins with your body in a push-up position, with your toes and forearms on the ground. Place your elbows so that they line up with your shoulders, while your arms remain parallel to each other. Next, lift your body, similar to a push-up, so that all of your body weight is being held by your toes and forearms.

For those who are just beginning with this exercise, try to hold the pose for a period of 30 seconds. This timing can then be increased as it gets easier to hold to 60 seconds, and finally to a period of holding your pose for a full 90 seconds.

3. Sumo Squat

This is a good one for those with belly fat that just will not go away.

Begin with your feet spread wider than shoulder-length and your feet angled out away from your body, about 45 degrees. Next, you will want to squat at a 90-degree angle while at the same time raising your hands, allowing them to come together directly under your chin. Rise halfway, and then come back down. Begin by repeating 10 times.

4. Burpees

This four-step exercise will really help to burn that flab in your mid-section and is very easy to learn.

To begin, stand up straight. Then, place yourself in a squatting position, laying your palms so that they face the ground. From there, kick back with your feet so that you end in a plank. At this point, your arms should remain extended. Hop your feet back so that you are again in the squatting position. From there, stand up straight.

This exercise is not only great at keeping away the belly fat, but it is also very simple to perform and takes up a minimal amount of space. You could even perform them on the floor right next to your bed.

5. Crunches

One of the most popular ways to reduce belly fat, crunches are easy to perform and take up a very small amount of space, making them a great exercise for apartment dwellers and those with a limited amount of space.

Begin laying on the floor on your back. Bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands behind your head so that your thumbs are behind your ears. Use your core muscles to pull your upper body forward, bringing your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground with it. Try to hold the position for as long as you can, and then lay back down. Repeat the process. Begin by trying to reach a total of 10 crunches. How many can you do?

6. Mountain Climber

Hiking up a mountain is a great way to get in some physical fitness, but not everyone has the time or capability to actually do this. This exercise gives your body the same feeling as climbing a mountain when there is not an actual mountain around to climb.

Begin with your body in the plank position. Lift one foot and bend your knee as you pull that knee in between your chest and the floor. Return your foot so that you are again in the plank position, and repeat the exercise with your other foot. Continue until you reach the top of your mental mountain!

7. Jump Rope

Jumping rope for between two and ten minutes at a time can help to bust that belly fat while at the same time maintaining your overall physique and having fun at the same time!

8. Bicycle Crunches

Begin in the same position as you would for a crunch. The exercise works by lifting your right leg while also lifting your shoulders and bringing your opposite elbow to meet your knee. Next, straighten your leg but keep it above the ground while repeating the exercise on the opposite side.

9. Pushups

This simple exercise used in military training throughout the world is not only great for burning belly fat, but also in helping with your overall physique.

All you need do is to lay flat on your chest on the ground so your back is facing the ceiling. With one hand on each side of you, use your arms to lift and lower your body. Repeat.

10. Sprinter Sit-ups

This exercise works to recreate the positive effects of running in a small space using just your body weight to help strengthen your core.

Begin on your back with your arms at your sides. Quickly sit up while pushing your left arm forward and pulling your opposite knee tight against your chest. Repeat on the other side. As a complete exercise, it should look as if you are sprinting.