10 Ways To Start A New Exercise Program And Get Your Goal Body

Jun 12, 2018

Working out can help you live an all-around healthy lifestyle. When you exercise every day, you'll stay focused on your fitness goals and make positive decisions. 

You already know that exercise is good for you. In fact, it's really hard to maintain good health if you're sedentary. Working out reduces your risk of developing most diseases, and it helps you maintain a healthy weight. It's also a powerful mood booster. Who doesn't feel great after completing a strenuous workout? 


If you're not in the habit of exercising right now, getting started might feel difficult - but you should still make the effort. Once you've established a workout routine, you'll find it much easier to get your daily dose of exercise. Changing your habits is never easy, but when it comes to exercise, the effort is 100% worthwhile. Here's how you can create a new workout plan. 

1. Get your mind in the right place. 

If you want to stick with your new exercise program, you'll need to make working out a priority in your life. Think of exercise as one of your basic physical needs, just like food. You wouldn't go a day without food, so why go a day without moving your body? 

2. Create a goal - or a series of goals. 

Goals help you stay focused. When you have something to aim for, you'll find it easier to get to the gym or lace up your running shoes every day. Be specific about what you want to achieve, and consider creating a series of mini-goals to help yourself stay motivated. 

3. Make an exercise schedule. 

Decide how you'll fit working out into your schedule. Be realistic - if you're not a morning person, don't try to force yourself to work out at 5 A.M. If you haven't exercised in a while, you may want to start by scheduling short workouts and gradually increase their length and intensity. 

4. Tell other people what you're trying to achieve. 

Talking about your exercise goals with other people will help keep you accountable when you're feeling unmotivated. You'll also be more likely to stick with your plan when you've got support from your family and friends. 

5. Start small. 

If you haven't gone for a run in years, don't try to run five miles right away. Start with small workouts that you can easily complete. This will boost your physical strength and your confidence, so you'll be able to tackle harder workouts later. 

6. Follow your plan for two months. 

It takes time to build new habits. Promise yourself that you'll stick to your workout schedule for two months, no matter how much you might not feel like it sometimes. After two months, you'll probably find that you've started to enjoy your workouts. 

7. Find ways to make working out fun. 

You're more likely to stick with a workout routine that you enjoy, so find some ways to make exercising fun. Choose activities that you like doing, and make some upbeat workout playlists that help you get pumped up. 

8. Measure your progress. 

One great way to stay motivated is to track how far you've come since you started. Keep a workout log and document what you do in your daily exercise sessions. You might be surprised to see how quickly you get stronger and fitter. 

9. Review your goals regularly. 

Sometimes you'll feel discouraged and want to quit. It happens to the best of us. When this happens, think about why you started working out in the first place. What do you want to achieve? Use that as your motivation to keep going. 

10. Treat yourself for sticking to your schedule. 

There's nothing wrong with some good old-fashioned self-bribery. Eventually, exercise will become its own reward, but for now, treating yourself can help you stay on track. Just don't reward yourself with junk food! 

Wrapping Up 

Working out can make every aspect of your life better. Are you inspired to start an exercise routine? Tell your friends about your fitness goals now by showing them this article!