10 Ways To Make 2018 Better Than 2017

Jan 16, 2018

It's a new year and the perfect time to evaluate your life. Turn the proverbial page and start with clean slate. We bet you have a ton of resolutions, to do lists and good intentions but, let's get real, most of the time by July you have fallen back into the same old habits! Well, this year we are challenging you to make the change permanent, make this the best year yet! 2018 is going to be one for the books! 

Over-thinking, over-consuming, and over-complicating are soooooooo 2017 so try out these ten simple life-changing tips to make sure that you are living your life to the fullest in 2018!


1. Save for something special

You have all heard of the new 'self-care' revolution right? Well this year embrace it and instead of spending money on that extra bar of chocolate, or an extravagant meal out, or that pair of heels you will only wear once, put the money aside. Choose something special for yourself, whether it is a spa day, facial, luxury skin care product or maybe just a weekend away to read and relax - invest in yourself this year! 


2. Stop overthinking things

2018 is the year to stop worrying and overthinking everything! Who cares what your neighbor thinks if your lawn doesn't look perfect, who cares what your mother thinks about your haircut - it is your life and you should live it the way you want. We waste so much of our time thinking and overthinking that we forget to just be happy with ourselves and our decisions. 

3. Write things down 

This may seem like an obvious one but having lists or a journal or even just a notebook for those random late night thoughts really makes a difference. This little habit will make it easier to achieve goals, reflect on your thoughts and plan your life. It makes you more productive and therefore happier and healthier - simple right! 

4. Keep active

Ok, so at some point or another, everyone has made that 'GET FIT' resolution, and that's great, but a better habit to adopt is just to keep active! You do not have to run a marathon or become a yoga instructor to stay healthy, all you need to do is keep active daily. Organise a weekly hike with the family or meet your friends for a walk in the park. It can be as simple as walking to the shop instead of getting in your car, just 30 minutes every day makes a huge difference! 

5. Stay hydrated

You've heard it before, a million times, and you know right? But it's not always as easy as it sounds, sometimes you just crave that sugary drink or its cold and you don't feel like water or you just forget.. there are a million excuses. I know, but the bottom line is that 90% of people don't drink enough water. Once you start you will wonder why you didn't make sure you did it sooner because it hydrates your skin which makes you look younger, it makes you feel (and look) more rested, promotes weight loss, boosts your immune system, is a natural headache remedy and can even increase energy! Should I go on? So make it a priority this year! 

6.  Wake up slow

It's not always easy, the snooze button is tempting and you have things to do and places to be. But, setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier and waking up slowing is bound to improve your mornings not to mention the rest of your day. Make sure you have time to stretch, cuddle your partner, have that cup of tea - trust me, you will thank me! It is proven to reduce stress in your life and make you more present. You can also try a light clock or a sleep cycle app which wakes you slowly and at the optimal time in your sleep cycle so that you don't start your day to the jarring sound of your Nokia alarm - once you have tried it you will never look back, I promise! 

7. Find a creative outlet

Life is busy, we get it, but carving out a bit of time to do something creative isn't as hard as you think - and it is fun! Always wanted to paint? Join an art class! Love reading poetry? Start a poetry club! You can do it by yourself or with friends, it's up to you. The world is your oyster and it's time you fulfilled that lifelong passion. Start small, it can be one night a week, or a month, but start. You never know what hidden talents you might discover!

8. Clear the clutter

It is so easy to accumulate stuff - brochures from that holiday, a dress that doesn't fit anymore, that dish with a chip in it. THROW IT OUT! A clean physical space leads to a clean mental state. Start the year out by going through everything and toss anything that you don't need anymore. Donate clothes to charity, throw away things that are broken and organize what is left. The more often you do it, the easier it becomes. You are much more likely to accomplish your goals if you start by clearing the clutter!

9. Delegate

You don't have to do it all yourself! Sometimes it is important to know when to ask for help. You don't always have to be the one that plans the parties, books the holidays, organizing the schedule and buys the groceries. If you are going to live your best life, you need to be able to lean on others. Ask your friends to host that dinner partner, ask your partner to pick up dinner and remind the family that they are all responsible for certain tasks. It will relieve stress and give you more time to focus on the important things this year! 

10. Be yourself

This is the most important one. It is time to be yourself and be happy with yourself. Stop worrying what other people think about you, about what you are 'supposed' to look like, and how you are expected to act. Embrace yourself and all of your flaws and make decisions for yourself and who you want to be. The sad truth is that people will always judge you so the sooner you can let go of that and just be yourself, the happier you will be. 

Are you ready for 2018? Let us know in the comments which tips you are going to embrace this year and don't forget to SHARE this article because everyone needs a little nudge at the beginning of the year to live their life to the fullest!