10 Unique Characteristics Every True Empath Has In Common

Jul 18, 2018

Empaths are the most lucky and unlucky people. They can soak up all the happiness in the world, but it comes at the cost of feeling everyone's pain. Learning to balance yourself is the key to mental wellbeing. If you think you may be an empath, here are 10 qualities all true empaths have in common.

1. You Absorb People's Vibes


Of course you don't want to cry every time you see someone crying, but you just can't help it! Any time you witness someone experiencing deep emotions, it touches your emotions as well. You are basically a mirror to anyone who is in your company. While everyone is allowed to have their bad days, some people are just naturally pessimistic and can't be helped. It's best for empaths to get closest with positive sources of energy to avoid developing depression or anxiety.


2. You're Extremely Intuitive


Empaths tend to view others as extensions of themselves, so it's easy for them to pick up on nonverbal communication and very slight shifts in the air between people. You have a gift of feeling out the energy of a room without having to hear a word. If your brain is choosing to ignore something off, your body will definitely make sure that you feel it so that you can correct the situation.

3. People Exhaust You


You love people, but sometimes life is too loud. Being around people exposes you to constant stimulation and even a quick chat can make you feel like you're on a rollercoaster. You need alone time to recharge. Don't shy away from pampering yourself often with relaxing bubble baths, yoga or meditation, watching your favorite movies, and eating your favorite foods. It's not easy being you, so you deserve to live life to the fullest.

4. You Attract Bad People


You don't believe that people are inherently bad, but your energy attracts people who are at a phase in their life when they are so hurt that they can't help but hurt everyone around them. Since manipulators and egotistical people have a keen sense of detecting empaths, they will try their best to keep you in their life because they know you have a higher tolerance than other people for dealing with problematic people. You are a bright, warm light in a dark world, so you'll never stop being surprised by what creatures fly toward you.

5. You Dislike Crowds


Have you ever seen someone walk and feel extremely stressed out by what you saw? Does hearing other people chew gum aggressively increase your heart rate? The tiniest encounters in public can be such a grating experience for you that you tend to avoid any social gatherings. It's not that you like being alone. It's just a lot easier to remove all the stressors people give off.

6. Your Home Is A Big Deal


Your living space is the single most important thing in your life. If you don't feel safe and relaxed in your own home, then you will never be able to wash away your anxieties and bad experiences from the day. Empaths do best away from cities. If you're looking for a new place to live, finding somewhere close to nature could really be beneficial to you. Not only is it great to take a walk and get exercise, but it's so quiet that you can enjoy the sounds of all the wildlife.

7. You Are Super Sensitive


While this is one of the most obvious traits of an empath, it's still important in understanding their psyche. You can't even think about that one movie where the dog dies without crying. Empaths need to be careful in choosing their tribe, because they need to surround themselves with positive people who respect their deep feelings. You should never let anyone try to make you feel bad for the way you experience and process the world.

8. You Sniff Out Lies


This goes along with intuition and reading nonverbal cues. Liars just seem to exude something very noticeable, like a terrible perfume that overwhelms your senses. It's too bad that the government hasn't tapped into the power of empaths, because you'd make a great lie detector in court rooms.

9. You Are A Natural Healer


You love to listen and you always have the best intentions. You know how good it feels to be happy, and you don't want to see anybody suffer because you know how awful that feels, too. Whether you are a shoulder to cry on, a confidant, a therapist, or comedian, your loved ones always know that they can turn to you to feel better, no matter how terrible their circumstances are.

10. You Neglect Your Own Wellbeing


You're so caught up in the world around you that it's easy to overlook yourself! So many people are hurting or broken and you're trying your best to fix them all. Be aware that absorbing all of their negativity will wreak havoc on your mental and emotional wellbeing. If things are beginning to feel like too much, don't be afraid to pull away and focus on healing yourself. Broken people can't fix broken people. Never underestimate your own value.

Do you know any empaths? Be sure to spread this fascinating information to all of your friends so that people can understand and appreciate these rare, wonderful people more!