10 Things Alpha Women Need From Their Partners

Jul 10, 2018

Many people are intimidated by alpha women, but they wouldn't be if they knew what they needed. This list includes 10 crucial elements that such women must have.

Alpha women are strong, and sometimes they are so independent that they intimidate people of the opposite gender. They are also "take charge" individuals who are confident, ambitious and not the least bit afraid to tell people how they really feel. Such women need certain elements to thrive in a relationship.

Whether you are an alpha woman or a man who is interested in an alpha woman, you will need to know the 10 things that they need in a relationship. This is the list of the crucial elements that you will need to make yourself or your alpha woman happy.


1. A Good Challenge

Alpha women thrive on being challenged. So they need to be with somebody who keeps them on their toes at all times. This person needs to be able to hold his own in sports, career matters and life in general. He should not be overly arrogant, however. He needs to know how to be graceful even during times that he is clearly winning.

2. Lots of Respect

One of the most crucial elements that an alpha woman needs is respect. The partner of such a woman must feel confident in her abilities and secure about her independence. This person also should be able to respect her in terms of fidelity and boundaries. Alpha women are quite clear about the boundaries that they would like to set, and a partner needs to be mindful of such things.

3. Tact

Although an alpha woman does appreciate honesty, she also appreciates some tact. Her partner should be able to tell when the right time is to discuss something, and he should know how to discuss it in a sensitive manner. She is still a woman though she is an alpha woman. Therefore, she wants to have her vulnerability respected.

4. Accountability

Accountability is also important to an alpha woman. She needs to be with somebody who will encourage her, motivate her and hold her accountable for her actions. This person should also be strong enough and comfortable enough to call her out on her bull if necessary.

5. Laughter

Life is way too brief to spend it unhappy, angry or stressed. The alpha woman, just like other women, needs that element of humor or comic relief to balance things. She values a partner who can make her laugh.

6. Equality

The alpha woman is a strong woman who wants to feel as though she is equal to her partner. She needs to feel like her input is important, and that it holds weight. She wants to have equal parts in decision-making, and she wants her hobbies and interests to be respected rather than ridiculed.

7. Independence

Independence to an alpha woman is like water to a plant. She cannot grow if her partner tries to stifle her endeavors or block her paths. She needs someone who is supportive and secure enough in himself to allow her to blossom and be herself.

8. A Hip Partner

An alpha woman needs a partner who is " with it." In other words, he should be up-to-date with current events, recent Innovations and so on. He should also be sharp and able to drop knowledge at that drop of a dime.

9. Trust

The alpha woman also needs a partner who trusts her. This person should trust her in every way including her faithfulness, her decision making, her career moves, her financial choices and so on. She doesn't want to feel like a child who needs her daddy to tell her what to do. She wants to feel like the strong survivor that she is.

10. Intellectual Stimulation

Last but not least, the alpha woman needs intellectual stimulation. She needs to have conversations that make sense and are about meaningful topics. She needs a partner who can go way beyond superficial matters, materialism and general nonsense. He must be able to tickle her mind from time to time.

Pass this list on to anybody who knows an alpha woman. If you are an alpha woman, make sure that you demand all the elements that you need and do not accept anything less.