10 Sweet Signs That He's Definitely Into You

Jun 06, 2018

You’ve been single for a while. Don’t let today’s disposable, ghosting, swipe-left world discourage you. You can still find a man worthy of your heart. In fact, here are the top 10 signs to look for when you think you’ve found a man who really loves you: 

1. How he looks at you 

When a man really loves you he will look at you with admiration as if you are the only woman in the room. He may stare at you as if he is attempting to communicate with you via his eyes. 


2. When you’re sad, he feels it 

When a man really loves you he will look at you with admiration as if you are the only woman in the room. He may stare at you as if he is attempting to communicate with you via his eyes. 

3. He often says, ‘I love you’ 

Men are not complicated. If a trustworthy man says something then that is what he means. If a man professes his love for you again and again then you can believe that it is, indeed, the truth. Face it, it takes a lot for a man to say: “I love you.” 

4. He participates in your spiritual life 

Men are not complicated. If a trustworthy man says something then that is what he means. If a man professes his love for you again and again then you can believe that it is, indeed, the truth. Face it, it takes a lot for a man to say: “I love you.” 

5. He cares about your life goals 

If he cares about your life goals and your career choices. His concern for your future and being willing to root for you is a further indication of his love for you. 

6. He is accepting of all of you 

You’re moody. You’re in therapy. Maybe you’re just a b*tch sometimes. Yet he still stands by you through all of it. If he stays with you through the “good, the bad, and the ugly,” “for better or worse . . . in good times and bad . . . “ then he is obviously committed to you. 

7. He reminds you he thinks you’re beautiful 

If he compliments you often and reminds you of your worth to him, then he loves you. If he does not compare you to other women or note your flaws unsolicited then he loves you. A man who really loves you values you and lets you know. 

8. He sets the sexual boundaries based on your personal needs 

A man who really loves you will not pressure you into doing anything with which you are uncomfortable. If he does what makes you happy and puts your pleasure before his own sexual desires he must truly love you. 

9. You can truly be yourself around him 

If he makes you feel comfortable and you don’t always have to wear makeup then he loves you. If you can simply be who you are and have a good time with him then it must be true love. 

10. He reminds you that you deserve to be loved 

A man who really loves you will remind you that you are worth being loved. He will try to show you that you deserve to be loved. He may even on occasion tell you that while you deserve his love he may not be truly worthy of yours. 

Sadly, while you might not expect any of this in today’s society, these are the telltale signs of true love. Do you know someone who should read this? Care to share your experiences? Let us know!