10 Sure Signs That Your Man Does Not Love You Anymore

Nov 26, 2018

Is your gut telling you that your man does not love you anymore? As a woman, you tend to trust your gut. And, most of the time it is right. Still, sometimes women choose to stay in denial by seeing love where it does not exist.

For that reason, we have compiled this list of ten of the top signs that a man’s love and affection for you have faded.

1. Discussing your shortcomings with friends


While it is common to discuss problems in relationships with friends, true love also focuses on the strengths of a partner, not the weaknesses. So, if, your partner acknowledges your flaws in public, and openly laughs at your failures, it is time you evaluated how strong your relationship is.

A person who humiliates you in public does not respect you. Remember, love is built on respect. Through criticizing and embarrassing you in public, he is unconsciously trying to of prove to himself and others that you are guilty of his dwindling love for you.


2. Lack of interest and attentiveness to your stories


Women tend to be more understanding than men and therefore are better listeners. That said, a man who loves will make an effort to listen even if the topic disinterests him. Why? Because the issue is important to you.

So, if he insists on changing the topic or dismisses you when you try to have a conversation, it is a sign you are not so important to him, and your worries are no longer his concern.

3. Criticizing your appearance


Even with messy hair or an oversized pajama, you will always be beautiful to a man that genuinely loves you. He will hardly notice you have gained a few pounds until you tell him yourself.

Therefore, if your man tells you to hit the gym or tries to convince you to consider plastic surgery, try not to listen to him. It is you as a whole that no longer pleases him, not your appearance. You will lose weight to please him, and he will find another fault in you.

4. Lack of flirtatiousness


Flirting is healthy for a relationship. It helps rekindle feelings, mutual interests and brings back happy memories from the beginning of the relationship. It involves playful photos, flirty texts, and intriguing hints.

Flirting is a two-way street. So, if you have sent him flirty texts on several occasions without an equally flirtatious response, stop wasting your efforts. Why else would he be ignoring your advances? He is no longer interested!

5. Negative attitude towards your habits


Unfortunately, everyone has their strange and annoying behaviors. Yours can be preparing for 2 hours, having long chats with friends or singing the same song all day long. A loving man will tolerate your annoying behaviors: He will hardly complain about them and might even respond humorously.

So, is your man continually complaining about your behavior? He is unconsciously trying to express that only feeling he has left for you is irritation, not love.

6. Insensitivity towards your emotions


Most men will want to run away when you start crying. But a man that loves you will comfort you even if you are crying for a reason that seems trivial to him. He is sensitive to your emotions and will only rest when you start smiling again. 

On the other hand, crying in front of a man that no longer loves you will only make him angrier at you.

7. Lack of jealousy


It is only natural in a relationship to show signs of jealousy when other men pay attention to you. Yes, extreme jealousy does more harm than good to a relationship, but if your man does not seem concerned by the attention other men are giving you, you should start worrying.

8. No gentle words and expression of feelings


What is even love without sweet names, tender hugs, and passionate kisses? These actions create a special and intimate atmosphere. 

So, does your man frown every time you try to kiss, hug, or when you call him a sweet name? The reason is not the typical male rigidity. He simply does not love you anymore.

9. Rejects your requests


A man who loves you will prioritize your wishes and requests. Actually, men like helping the women they love because it gives them an opportunity to show they are strong, responsible, and cool. Even if he does not know how to do whatever you are requesting, he will find another way to help.

So, if he responds to your simple requests with annoyance, rethink your relationship.

10. Does not seem interested in protecting you from danger


It is a natural instinct for a man to protect a woman. That is why a man who loves you becomes worried when you are alone in a strange place or when you have to come back home late from work. When he cannot be around you, he will call to make sure you are fine.

The point is, a loving man will try to protect and support you when you are in a tricky situation. So, it is a bad sign if he does nothing when you get lost in an unfamiliar city, or does nothing when someone else yells at you. Such behavior shows that he is either a coward or he simply does not love you. Whichever is the case, you do not need him.


Have you noticed one or more of these signs in your man? Are there other signs that show a man has stopped loving a woman? Let us know in the comments section. Ask your friends and family what their thoughts are!