10 Reasons It's Tough To Love A Capricorn

Feb 19, 2018

There's so many aspects to a Capricorn's personality, and decoding them all can be a bit of a chore. We are feisty and passionate, and we can easily give the wrong impression. You might be head-over-heels for us one day, and feel quite the opposite the next! We can be incredibly perfect or incredibly challenging. Read on to discover 10 reasons why it's not always easy being with a Capricorn. 

#1 We Can Be A Little TOO Persuasive

We are very determined to get our way, yet we're totally truthful about it. Although it's not in our nature to be dishonest with you, we will try very hard to convince you that our way is the best way. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in getting what we want that we don't put much thought into HOW we're going about it. This can make us seem inconsiderate. If we were to use these persuasive abilities in the right setting, such as for an investigative job, they could be really helpful. When used in a relationship though, they aren't always the best thing.


#2 We're Brilliant In The Bedroom

Sex with a Capricorn is never dull. We are very sexual creatures, and we love to be spontaneous and unpredictable. However, we need an equally thrilling partner to keep us on our toes. We are prone to boredom, and if our excitement wears off, it can negatively affect the whole relationship. That's why keeping your sex life interesting is so important when you are dating a Capricorn.

#3 We Are Persistent And Courageous

We will go after our goals and we won't stop until we achieve them. We simply don't give up. However, there are times when we act without thinking. We don't always think about the repercussions. But our courage and determination helps us to succeed at work as well as in our personal relationships.

#4 We Aren't The "Forgive And Forget" Type

Should you ever cross a Capricorn, you'd better be prepared for the backlash. We don't take kindly to betrayal. If we feel that you've done something wrong to us, you shouldn't be surprised when we react strongly to it. Our sharp memories won't allow us to forget any wrongdoing, so we will make sure that you always remember your offense too. If you don't want to deal with a vindictive Capricorn, make sure that you don't ever cross that line.

#5 We Have A Great Sense Of Humor

We are quick-witted and we aren't amused by immature jokes. Instead, we prefer straightforward humor. This may offend some people who don't find the same things comical. We will often make cheeky comments during a conversation to be funny. We love to laugh and enjoy joking around with others.

#6 We Believe In Loyalty

We are faithful and devoted partners. When a Capricorn commits to a relationship, they take it very seriously. They will be there to support you through thick and thin and will always remain true to you no matter what.

#7 We Can Be Puzzling

We don't like to reveal everything there is to know about us. Because of our mysteriousness, you will always be left with questions. Some people might find this irritating, but we think it keeps things interesting! We enjoy remaining a bit of a mystery so that things don't get boring.

#8 We Have High Expectations

Because we hold ourselves to high standards, we expect the same out of our partners. If you don't hold the same values, you might feel like your Capricorn is being a little hard on you. But we simply want to give our best, which means we expect you to do the same.

#9 We Consider Everything Carefully

Those who don't understand this quality might accuse us of being too critical. But we're really just being cautious. We carefully assess people to decide if they are trustworthy and if we want them in our lives. It's not about being judgmental; it's about having good judgment. 

#10 We Tend To Have Dominant Personalities

We are leaders, not followers. This can be a great quality to have as long as it doesn't get out of hand. We want to be in control, and this can cause us to clash with others who also prefer to have control over situations. However, we can excel in positions of leadership due to this personality trait.

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