10 Methods To Speed Up Weight Loss

Sep 18, 2018

From 1975 to 2017, global obesity levels tripled. Now, there are about 1.9 billion adults in the world who are overweight. Out of this number, 650 million adults are classified as obese. While we all know that a healthy diet and exercise can help manage our weight, finding the time to work out is not always easy. Luckily, there are 10 easy ways that you can improve your weight loss without committing a lot of effort.

1. Eat Before You Eat


This sounds counterintuitive, but it actually works. In one study, researchers found that eating a bowl of soup before you eat your meal helps to reduce your appetite. There are two reasons why this probably occurs. Soup tends to be hot, so you have to eat it slowly. This gives your body extra time to realize that it is full. Additionally, soup tends to take up a lot of room in your stomach because of all of the liquid. Because of this, your stomach thinks that it is full quickly.


2. Add Spices


This is certainly one of the easiest tips for weight loss. Scientists have shown that spicy food can increase your metabolism by 8 percent. In addition, people eat spicy food slower. Research also shows that people tend to feel full faster when they eat spicier food.

3. Choose Healthy Snacks


Snacks can actually be great for weight loss. When you are too hungry, you end up eating sugary food or anything that you can find. By eating a snack, you stay full enough to make smart food choices. For this to work, you have to make sure that you are eating healthy snacks. Try snacking on fruit, nuts, vegetables and sunflower seeds.

4. Get More Sleep


In research studies, scientists discovered that people eat 6 percent fewer calories when they sleep enough at night. Your body needs sleep to function properly. Without sleep, you end up making poor food choices and eating more.

5. Drink More Tea


Your body needs to be hydrated to function properly, so you should definitely be drinking enough water. Drinking tea can also help your diet. Studies show that drinking black or green tea can help improve your weight loss by speeding up your metabolism. Plus, green tea contains antioxidants that can help to prevent cancer.

6. Add Some Blue to Your Life


This is an unusual research result, but it could make a difference in your diet. Scientists recently discovered that people eat 33 percent less in a blue room. They have also found that people eat less when there is a lot of color contrast between the plate and their food.

7. Focus on Food

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If you like to multitask, you need to slow down and focus on just eating. When you switch between different tasks while eating, it is easy to forget how much you are eating or what you are eating. Try to focus on just one subject when you eat your meals.

8. Laugh More


Laughter truly is the best medicine. When you laugh, you give your body a miniature aerobic workout. Your heart starts to beat faster and circulate more blood throughout your body. If you were to laugh intensely for an entire hour, it would burn as many calories as 30 minutes of weight lifting. If you do not want to add more workouts to your lifestyle, try adding more laughter instead.

9. Sleep in a Cold Room

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A recent study shows that sleeping in a cold room is good for your body fat. When you sleep in a cold room, your body has to burn belly fat to heat itself up. People who sleep in a colder room burn 7 percent more calories than someone who sleeps in a warm room.

10. Go for Dark Rooms


In another interesting study, a team at Ohio State University discovered that being in the dark can actually make your body lighter. The study looked at how light pollution affected mice. In the study, researchers found that mice who slept in the dark exhibited more weight loss. When you go to sleep at night, make sure to switch off the lights.

What are some of your best tips for losing weight? Did these tips help you out? Let us know which tips were your favorites.

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