10 Life Hacks For Eliminating Lingering Odors In Your Home

Jul 10, 2018

Whether you have a house full of teenagers or a lingering smell from an unknown source, there are always ways to keep your home smelling fresh. You can forget about hiring a maid service, and you can forget about leaving your window open all year. If you live in a warm climate, leaving the window open during the summer and winter isn't always an option

Luckily, there are ways to keep your house smelling clean while using items that are already in your home. 

1) Dryer sheets 

If you want your room to smell good on a summer's day, you can put a dryer sheet over your fan and let the scent fill the air. You can also hang up a dryer sheet in your closet or above a drawer. 


2) Vinegar + Rag

If you live in a house with somebody that smokes on a regular basis or burns food more often than they should, consider using this method! The smell of smoke can stay put in one area for a long period of time and be hard to get rid of. 

Soak a small kitchen rag into a bowl of white vinegar, ringing it out, twirl it around in the air. You may look silly doing it, but it will get the job done! Turn up some music and create your own dance routine while carelessly swinging the rag in the air. 

3) Vanilla Extract 

Many people enjoy the smell of vanilla. With that said, before you go out and dump a wad of cash on an expensive scented candle, considering picking up some vanilla extract. Rub some vanilla extract on a light bulb. When the light bulb heats up, the smell of vanilla will fill the air around your home. 

4) Ice + Borax 

The kitchen can be one of the smelliest places of the house. You have the trash can and the garbage disposal just reeking of old food. Instead of dumping harmful chemicals down the disposal, consider pouring some ice into the drain. Then dump some borax or baking soda over the ice, and the disposal will do the rest of the work for you. 

5) Lemon, vinegar, and baking soda mix

Bathrooms can start to smell musty and of urine after repeated use. Cleaning supplies can often be expensive, which makes this solution that much better. Throw in some lemon juice and baking soda in a mixing bowl, and then stir the two ingredients until they form a paste. Let the paste sit on the toilet seat for 15 minutes and then remove it with a sponge. 

6) Boil cinnamon 

Similar to #3, boiling cinnamon sticks give your home a warm, satisfying smell. If you want the scent to reach all areas of your home remove the pan from your stove and walk into each room. 

7) Lemon + Baking Soda

This solution fights the odors of cooking fish. Mix two cups of water, three tablespoons of baking soda, and lemon peels.

8) Add a lovely scent to toilet paper 

Air freshers can take up a lot of space in your bathroom and lose their scent too soon. Add a few drops of the best smelling scent you can find to a roll of toilet paper. 

9) Flavored drink mix

Dishwashers can leave behind some unbearable smells. Simply add some lemon Kool-Aid mix to your dishwasher and let the machine run while its empty. After the dishwasher is done running, the machine will smell as good as new. 

10) Coffee Grounds 

Garbage cans can pick up the worst odors over time. Even after you wash a trashcan, it still stinks! Coffee grounds will help soak up any lingering smells. 

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